Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Got Evil?

Ever wonder what you would do when you are face to face with TRUE Evil?  Would you run? Cry? Beg? Or would you make a stand and fight for your life?  That question might seem to have an obvious answer but trust this Marine, not all of you would.  We all had that guy in our squad that we didn't want to face incoming rounds with. We all know a guy/gal that talks a big game but is truly yellow.  Do yourself a favor, ditch that person from your life. Evil is everywhere right now and there is no room for softness.

1.  MINNEAPOLIS - Is famous for slashing the budget of their police department instead
of investing in training.  This lead to less cops, less training and yes a MAJOR spike in crime. So this psycho shooting up a hospital and planting bombs probably doesn't surprise anyone.  Also, if you live next to a psycho that is capable of doing this and you don't say anything, go fuck yourself.

2.  Illinois kids can't even jump on freaking trampolines without going crazy violent.

3.  The courts thought that beating your wife to death with a bottle was only worth 16 years in prison.  Yet another example of our great legal minds working to their full potential. 

4.  Omaha Mayor's daughters corpse found after she went missing last month.  In a shocking twist (not really), the husband was arrested.

5.  FEMALE Educator in Atlanta was caught diddling herself multiple times in front of her students.Parents say that she was considered the cool teacher by her students..

6.  Oldsmar, Fl had a hacker attempt to poison the water supply.  

7.  Psycho wife tries to hire a hitman to get rid of the woman that she thought her husband was sleeping with.  It gets better, this Karen is a blue check mark animal rights activists.  Makes you wonder what she would do if it was a horse that her husband was accused of sleeping with.

Chuckie ~ Bushwick Bill

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Kansas City Public Schools - accreditation bad idea without real proof of turnaround

 There is a story in the Kansas City bullshit Star saying that the school district got a thumbs up
from some liberal group that looks at other "urban schools".  Now, the first thing that comes to mind is that the majority of the school districts this group looks into are hot flaming dumpster fires that have students fleeing in record numbers.  So when they say they have made "progress" and have "momentum", are they saying that in comparison to those districts or ALL districts.  

Is the KCMO school district nothing more than a 700lbs person dieting for 4 months, dropping water weight, and then resuming their normal activities because the real problems haven't been addressed.  What do we really know about the changes that happened within the district?  NONE are listed.  Typically when details aren't given about how change happened then there is a good chance that there might be smoke and mirrors involved.

Typically, in areas with good or improving schools there isn't widespread gang activity, murder, truancy, sinking property values etc... Politicians, lobbyist, bureaucrats and yes TEACHERS UNIONS can't be trusted EVER.  This "Council of the Great City Schools" is just about the most liberal group that I have ever come across in all of my days in researching stories.  Also, their biggest legislature news according to their own site last took place 5 years ago.  What the F have they been doing besides pushing common core?

What impact has this Council had on the KCMO school district?  Zero examples of how they
"helped" in this epic turnaround have been given yet you are supposed to trust this lobbyist based out of D.C. that the city is ready to regain accreditation.  The minute this happens, the school district will forever be doomed.  

Instead of bullshit press releases then why can't we see in a chart where the test scores are compared to the region, state and nation?  Can we see what percentage of increase took place from the time accreditation was lost to when this bullshit statement was given?  Can we also see the number of truant students there are?  Which students were given the tests?  Has the test changed in the past 10 years and if so, how?

Answer those questions in this story and maybe there can be a parade thrown.  Until those questions are answered it looks like a cheap PR stunt by parties that have a lot to gain and little to do with the families suffering under this bureaucratic nightmare of incompetence coming out and saying "oh it has gotten soooooooo much better"

Evil People Living Evil lives in Evil Times

Strap up, keep your head on a swivel and prepare for the Evil people lurking.  Don't own a gun?  You are screwed.  

1.  5 kids and a adult were slaughtered at 130AM, while
sleeping by a psycho gunman in Oklahoma.  

2.  Next time you decide to yell at your neighbor about their snow removal (the shit does melt) remember this story about a man that clapped the neighbor couple and then turned the gun on himself.

3.  This story is evil because it is a person of wealth and power that dictates the minute by minute activities of everyone in this country.  John Kerry (who has a longer face than he did 20 years ago) thought he was special and took a PRIVATE JET to the freaking climate summit!  

4.  More proof that the Gov of NY killed thousands with his policies.  

5.  When you are a crazy psychopathic controlling dictator like Putin, you should be afraid.

Public Enemy - Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos

Tuesday, February 02, 2021


I wish I could pull up all of the posts I have made disputing the claims that pollution is causing the
planet to warm, but why do that.  There are a million teachers, meteorologist, politicians, teens who have been brainwashed etc... all with serious egg on their face.  This story courtesy of a pandemic that made the bullshit fear mongering hypothesis come crashing down.  Never in the world did the nut jobs on the left believe that there would be a large enough current sample size of reduced emissions.  

What environmental bullshit will be used now to put stricter restrictions on personal freedoms and businesses.  If you want to make a difference, don't litter.  Most of you wannabe hipsters born after 1990 trash your glamping sites, lakes, trails and public parks yet use canvas shopping bags.  Idiots.

The Evil That Lurks Around The Corner

 Today the eyes of the nation are focusing on the wealthy on the left taking on the wealthy on the right over Orange man.  Kinda a waste of tax payer money.. 
Meanwhile, despite the oldest living mammal to reside inside the White House becoming the president the country spirals out of control.  Covid shots turn out to be worthless yet everyone is breaking the rules to get them, murders are up (who knew it was possible) in most major city's and your local neighborhoods continue to rot unless you have a gate around that community.  Shocking

1.  FBI Agents gunned down in Florida by a pedo crazed monster. No idea if funding cuts have been argued by the left or if there were cheers from the Antifa crowd who has tried to do this for the past 8 months.

2.  Marilyn Manson accused of torturing women etc..  Well, who could of seen this coming.

3.  Atlanta Rapper accused of murdering his cousin.  ATL is rapidly becoming the next murder epicenter and rap artists seem to be right at the center of most cases.  RIP King Von

4.  Fauci does it again. One week we should all wear 2-3 masks and then a week later he says that it doesn't make a difference.  This is the same jackass that at the beginning of the pandemic said that masks would be ineffective against the virus.  There doesn't get much more evil in America than the head of all VIRUS issues in the United States continuing to get a pass as half a million people die.  Fuck Fauci.

5.  The cops Pepper Sprayed a 9 year old girl in NY after handcuffing her ass for what appears to be nothing more than a temper tantrum.  Keep cutting the funding of cops so that they don't know how to better handle situations like this...

6.  British teacher in Singapore caught on video molesting a 4 YEAR OLD GIRL.

7.  If you forget the cheeseburger and work at McDonalds in New Mexico then you might get a gun pulled on you by some psychopath.  The home of Walter White.

Clipse - Grindin'

What has the world become? Isabelle Eleanore

 I am shocked, outraged and mortified by the actions taken by this airline.  Who decided that fugly
Karens of the world get to decide what is appropriate to wear while traveling, especially when it is HOT as F in Australia.  For decades we have all had to sit next to 175lb women wearing stretch pants and sleeveless shirts, cut off shorts that look like sausage casings stretched out over live pigs and the ever present nasty cankles in sandals.  

This wonderful woman should be allowed to travel in whatever clothing she desires. 

Monday, February 01, 2021

When the sheep cry to me

 Since my return to blogging I have received several emails from people that "found" my blog again.  In those emails, the majority of them ask "when are you going to attack the left?", "don't you know that BLANK is happening right now?", "can you post this story?"

blah blah blah

1.  There is no way I am going to post Qanon bullshit cult crap on this blog.

2.  I am not MAGA.  While I dug a lot of his policies, I didn't like the man.

3.  Does anyone even know which politicians are worth sticking up for?

4.  In the past 4 years since I left it seems that political blogging is just a big circle jerk with people posting the exact same thing.  I think there might a Mad Libs template out there for the more remedial minds out there just looking for followers.

5.  If you want a shit storm full of irrational thought and hoaxes then go to Twitter.

6.  When I post something political it will be something original (as always) and something that I stand behind.  

7.  NO, having the JOCO courts and the KS courts come down on me for my discussion over the leaks, doxxing, stalking etc.. that comes from inside their buildings by government employees with unlimited access and no checks or balances have nothing to do with my takes.  Look left, the most crooked of all JOCO judges is still identified and more is coming.

Here is the deal, when I was political, you weren't.  I am now focusing on the crap that everyone misses  A lot of you morons truly believe that the people in D.C. give two craps about you and whine and cry about every little thing that happens.  Sheep.  How about instead you focus on 

  • Keeping your family safe, Evil lurks everywhere in modern society.  Do you know who
    your kids are speaking with online, hanging out with etc? Do you know who your ex is bringing around your children (usually scum)?
  • Having good schools that aren't liberal propaganda, 
  • State government that keeps taxes low and still balances the budget,
  • Funding for police departments that allows for training and the ability to pay for quality instead of settling for racist hotheads and demented sociopaths
  • Strong zoning regulations to ensure that neighborhoods don't have We Buy Gold and check cashing places that prey on the citizens.
  • Have your state legalize Weed.  If your state is still thumping the bible about Weed then you need to move.  That backwards thinking is what is holding you back.  Kansas, you suck at this.
  • Overhaul of state and local government pay plans, benefits and pensions.  In a day and age where NOBODY in the world is getting a pension plan, WHY DOES Kansas have KPERS? Why do employees that settle on not contributing to the overall good of the community become immune from termination?
Instead you worry about millionaires that you think care about your future.  If you need any proof that these psychos think that you are nothing more than a data point then just look at what the elite did to the Reddit traders, Covid rules, Covid vaccines etc..  If after 2020/21 you still believe that they care and will help then you are lost and please stop reading this blog.