Showing posts with label KCMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KCMO. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

East Side Genius

Family's home destroyed after unusual chain reaction led to fire - KCTV5

It isn't uncommon for East Siders to reach Wile E. Coyote status and these folks aren't an exception.  "Unusual chain reaction" is PC for dumb f$@%$.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

KC is more Jacked than we think

KC parks board approves new policy to discourage smoking in parks -


Cig smoke is BAD but BULLETS in the air is GOOD

Thursday, March 21, 2013



New mixtape put out by one of the best local DJ's @kcmixtapes

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Wire - Brought to you by the #5 and Letter G


Well we finally received the answer to the question that was asked all last week by the media "elite" in this city.  5, 5 people must get shot at on place before people pay attention to another VIOLENT east side weekend.  If you had the #6 congrats, you win.  I for one put the number closer to 8 but I didn't figure in a slow news weekend and lack of weather hype.

How many people will no jump on the band wagon and start talking about the horror's of East Side violence today?  How many of them will completely talk out of their ass with poor information and lack of insight or first hand knowledge?  ALL OF THEM

The best will be Dana & Parks.  These two are completely clueless to East Side going on's and make NO EFFORT to understand the problems that exist daily and how they came to be.  You won't hear about the migration of LA and Chicago gangs to the area. You wont hear about the power grab that took place once the mafia was "run out" of the area. You will never hear what the beefing is all about.  Instead you will hear "What are we to do Kansas City?", "It's sad" blah blah blah.

1.  6 hoppin, 5 droppin at a Grandview concert.
2.  2 more shot in concert shooting spillover in Grandview.
3.  Finally a normal Kansas City shooting victim

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Wire - It's Good To be Needed

I receive emails all the time asking me why I stopped "The Wire".  My answer is always the same, it became to repetitive.  However, I do feel like now is a good time to bring it back.  So Enjoy and make sure that you don't end up in The Wire.

1.  A nature walk in the East Side isn't complete unless you find a corpse.  Congrats!
2.  Shot in the head BUT no life threatening injuries?  I guess brain damage and Independence kinda go hand n hand all ready.  Enjoy the home invasion!
3.  It is good to see that people are still targeting Fast Food spots to jack.  Someone needs to tell them that armed robbery is armed robbery and they might as well go for a bigger score.
4.  Non Profit for Whores gets robbed...and nobody cared.  Seriously, Whores have a nonprofit?  Aren't they all ready tax free? Greedy Whores.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Paseo Homeless Camp

Anyone else find it pathetic that KCMO decided to rid the east side of its homeless camp in one of the coldest stretches we have had all year?  What a bunch of thugs.  Where the hell did these people go and what houses were broken into so that they could keep warm?

At least these poor bastards have the common decency to live on their own RATHER than sponging off the government like those living in the housing projects that fill The Paseo.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Can we please rename some parks? Shooting..

Shooting near Blue Valley Park in KCMO 

As a resident of Blue Valley I would like to move that we sue the city of Kansas City for the misuse of the name "Blue Valley".  This name should never be used inside the slaughterhouse of KCMO.

"When did this city get so dangerous?" - Dana Wright

Headline of the Day - KCPD

They had to do an autopsy to discover a bullet wound!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

KCMO Fails again - Blunt Wrappers??

The latest step taken by the idiots in KCMO to fight drugs might be one of the dumbest ideas yet.  
KCMO officials believe that BLUNT WRAPPERS are key to drug use among "minors".  By putting paper behind the counter they seriously think that they are going to prevent marijuana use.  

I hate to point out the obvious here BUUUUUUUUT don't you think that the people buying an illegal substance MIGHT be able to get LEGAL blunt wrappers?  

Are they going to fight underage drinking by putting Solo Cups behind the counter too??


Thursday, August 09, 2012

Yael be trippin yo!

I had an email sent to me this morning with a link to a KC Star article written by Yael Alphabetsoup regarding the demise of JOCO and the greatness of kcmo and after reading it I couldn't stop laughing.  This guy seriously thinks that increased taxes and growth of government are  signs that the tides have turned in the metro?  WOW!

What he doesn't take into consideration is that unlike kcmo we don't have to do a complete face lift on our entire area, fight county corruption, deal with failing schools, record setting murder  rates, bridges-roads-sewers that are among the worst in the nation and yes our snow even gets removed from our streets.

Face it, KCMO would have to spend billions upon billions of dollars to even come close to the quality of life, government services, parks, property values and schools that we have in Joco.  

Instead of comparing tax increases and big government to greatness how about you tackle the real issues that your city is facing.

  • Why are there people getting murdered and shot on a nightly basis within your city limits?
  • Why are more kids dropping out of school than graduating in your school district?
  • Why are those that graduate stuck with a diploma from an unaccredited school district?
  • Why are the majority of the city parks in ruins and unsafe for families?
  • Why is your city one of the most segregated in the Midwest (if not the nation)?
  • Why is Google suddenly interested in expanding into JOCO so quickly?  
Yael, to put this in simple terms, your city is finally purchasing a color television while joco all ready has LED's.  You are putting a spoiler on a civic.  You are putting generic cereal into name brand boxes.  You are framing your 5th place ribbon.

You are saying that it's "OUR TIME" for kcmo and well we know how that turned out before.  

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

KC Bridges among worst in Nation

Sewers suck, sidewalks suck, water pipes suck, streets suck, schools suck, east side sucks, museum sucks and now you can add bridges AWESOME job folks.

As long as all of the entertainment area built for JOCO residents are fine who cares. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Question of the Day

What is the worst week for business for retail shops selling greeting cards in KCMO?

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Wire - WTF KC?

Hope does not exist in 50% of the metro.  

1.   East side adds burning bodies to its bag of tricks.  What makes this one extra special is that this was done at 630pm
2.  East side women get their asses kicked/shot by one of the areas finest.
3.  Raytown continues its downward slide with the drive by shooting of a senior citizen.
4.  Why any cab driver would venture into East KCMO is beyond me.  Murder
5.  Prospect is to murder as Olathe is to white trash. Murder
6.  Raytown is as good of a place as any to get shot.
7.  Double play tonight in the East Side.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Wire - The JV steps up this weekend

Can KCK make 2012 their year?  Can't they let KCMO have anything?  

1.  2 dead and a freaking BABY wounded in shitsville.  And what the hell is a 16 year old doing at that apartment with a 21 year old???
2.  KCMO is getting soft!  Back in the day (2 weeks ago) there is noway that this would of ended peacefully. 
3. 2 more fine upstanding residents were gunned down by what were surely a couple of silly kids. 
4.  When robbing a Church's chicken it is important to wear your best coat.
5.  Who knew that drug dealers made crappy parents?  KCK again. 
6.  KCK man didn't realize that Kyle James is the only person in the metro that can get away with smakin ho's 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Can you make the homeless homeless?

Thanks to a story I read on Tony's Kansas City I found out that YES you can make the homeless homeless.   This is typical of Kansas City.  See, the people that run the city can't make peoples lives any better BUT they have a long history of making people who are all ready miserable even more worst off.

It's the HIGHER plan and city leaders have flawlessly executed it now for over 40 years. 
  • Murder Rate, Higher
  • Unemployment, Higher
  • Uneducated, Higher
  • Homelessness, Higher
  • Taxes, Higher
  • Poverty Rate, Higher
The only thing that is lower is the life expectancy and expectations of the city's residents.