Friday, October 19, 2007


Today while out visiting a client we got into a discussion about a documentary that he had seen in the past about the evils of Wal Mart. He stated that his family stopped shopping there 2 years ago due to how they treat workers and what they do to small business.

While this guy was rambling on and on about the evil I caught a glimpse of EQUATE ASPIRIN on his desk. When he finished talking I asked him if I could take a couple of his 3 year old Aspirin. He turned red


Black people in Kansas City take the lead in the handling of illegal immigration. Those drug corners have been passed down from generation to generation I am glad they are keeping them locally owned.


"How to" brochures arrive just in time to accompany Birth Control pills in middle schools. The brochures give the curious students advice on straight and gay sex practices along with a how to guide for oral and anal sex. Imagine what the liberals will do with Health Care.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


In an effort to pander to the far left due to her flip/flopping on the war, Iran etc.. she decides that THIS is the right time to put up a museum dedicated to people that spit in the face of our troops when they came back from Vietnam. A museum for a group of people that brought drugs into the mainstream. A museum for people that burned the flag in demonstration. A museum for people that went to Vietnam and SIDED with the enemy (Jane Fonda). Then again she was right there beside them all doing all of the above acts.

Is this really the person that you want to be called "Commander & Chief"? I am sure that our troops that are currently fighting overseas will be encouraged by this information.

Maybe she thinks that enough time has gone by and people will have forgotten about what these people actually stood for and did.

Blackwater to Iraqi Officials: "You'll never take us alive"

A defiant Erik Prince said he will not allow Iraqi authorities to arrest his contractors and try them in Iraq's faulty justice system "We will not let our people be taken by the Iraqis," Mr. Prince told editors at The Washington Times. At least 17 of the Blackwater guards being investigated are still in a secure compound in Baghdad's Green Zone.

read more | digg story


When you have time you must watch this Video. Even the most loyal Hillary Clinton supporters will start to have doubts.

Birth Control for Kid?

You would have to be a pretty crappy parent if your 6th grader needed birth control don't you think? I am not going to turn this into an abortion debate (something I stay away from on this blog) but how about a FREAKING RAPE CASE!!!!

Democrat Temper Tantrum

The people of this party continue to show great leadership. Maybe this is why the democratic congress approval rating (11%) continues to make Bush's (29%)look like Ronald Reagan’s approval.

Thank you Petey Stark's

If Clinton was the first Black President then What does this picture mean

I don't know how I missed this story but apparently Nobel Prize winner and DEMOCRAT James Watson says that DNA shows black people to be less intelligent than white people.

This guy doesn't stand a chance.

Here is a great picture of him shaking hands with the first "black president"


The object of the game is to move the red block around without getting hit by the blue blocks or touching the black walls.
If you can go longer than 18 seconds you are phenomenal. It's been said that the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are expected to go for at least 2 minutes.


Strouds has finally found a spot

4200 Shawnee Mission Parkway in Fairway

It will be hard to compete with the great setting that Troost Avenue provided.

If you haven't been to Stouds here is a link


in violent crime

KCK residents take it upon themselves to do some urban clean up. The Quindaro area is so nice in the fall.

Two KC residents give man a ride after robbery.

At least they didn't use guns?

Doesn't this happen everyday? Could you imagine the number of bodies that would be found if we burnt back some of the brush down in the "urban core"?



Does anyone else get the feeling that we are on the verge of WWIII? If you read the statements in the news and see some of the chess moves taking place through out the world you would have to be blind not to think so. This is a very unstable point in our countries history and the decisions we make today will have a major affect on how we live our lives in the future. Below are just a few of the issues taking place that should cause concern.
  • North Korea
    • They successfully test a nuke
    • They "shut down" there program which I am sure is just a cover for them to work on a delivery system for the nuke.
    • Take hostages from Japan & South Korea
  • Iran
    • Currently working on developing a nuke.
    • Supplying al qaeda with weapons, money and training to fight us in Iraq.
    • Supplying Hezbollah with weapons, money and training to fight Israel in Lebanon.
    • Forming alliances with Venezuela, Russia & China.
    • Pledged the extermination of Israel and all Jews.
    • Lead by a madman
  • Russia
  • Iraq
    • Due to the lack of support shown by this country(dems in congress) for their government they are now starting to sign contracts and set alliances with our enemies.
    • Oil. They have it and everyone wants it.
  • Venezuela
    • Rapidly moving towards communism
    • Calls the United States the devil in front of the UN.
    • Forming alliances with Cuba, Iran & Russia
  • China
    • Anyone believing that China has changed is foolish.
    • Do not forget about Taiwan. With all of the attention in the Middle East recently it is easy to forget about is one of the biggest potential conflicts.
    • Oil. They will do whatever it takes to get a hold of their oil
  • Syria
    • Terrorist safe haven that for whatever reason we never level like a football field.
    • Funneling point for troops and weapons into Iraq and Lebanon for Iran.
    • Trying to build a Nuclear reactor.
    • Believed to be storing Weapons of Mass Destruction
These are just some highlights of what is happening in the world. Now we as a country can take either the Carter approach or the Regan approach to how we handle this. We have seen the Carter approach nearly destroy this country, yet why are so many people willing to reuse it and now call it the Clinton plan?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I first read this story the first thing that came to mind was imagine what Katie Horner would be like covering this story.