Thursday, May 15, 2008

QUICK HITS - Afternoon Edition

1. President Bush finally takes a stand against liberal foreign policy and Borat Obama.

2. California courts continue to destroy the constitution.

3. Sonic employees spit in food. Don't you just assume that if you eat fast food that something like this has happened to your food?

4. Starbucks goes topless. Calm down, there is no fear of seeing coffee house chick with her shirt off.

5. Werewolves do exist? Holy crap!

6. Man dies sitting in car. Must of died of shock when he saw a golf ball store on SW BLVD.

7. Tougher laws for trash pick up in KCMO. Just what a city full of trash needs.

8. Poor aim = longer life in KCMO for one family.

9. Another example of why Hood Life will never get better. This guy gets shot NOT ONCE BUT TWICE in the leg yet wont cooperate with the police. When this guy does get killed I don't want to hear sympathy for him.

10. YOU CAN GET A MASTERS DEGREE IN TUBA PERFORMANCE AT UMKC?????? Talk about pissing away your money. I am sure that his lack of this diploma will prevent him from earning that big Tuba playing money.

11. Is Ollie Gates the real muscle in KC Politics? Just the idea of a black heritage district is a freaking joke but to then give the area a tax exemption is a slap in the face! Isn't this the part of the city that consumes the MOST tax dollars? Holy crap! AND isn't a joke to think that by making stuff 8 cents cheaper per dollar that the hell hole area of KCMO is going to suddenly turn itself around? This is nothing more than Ollie Gates taking advantage of Funkhousers problems with the black community. THIS IS NOT REAL HELP, THIS IS SMOKE & MIRRORS! Whats next, Asian, Hispanic, White, Middle Eastern etc... tax free zones. Mayor Funkhouser is a joke!

A LAW AGAINST________?

This afternoon I was thumbing through one of the best blogs in the Metro (crimescenekc) and came across a post that said something about 20 states not having laws against bestiality. There are two ways to look at this.

1. What is wrong with those 20 states?
2. Why does there even need to be a law that says you can't screw animals? Isn't it common sense that if it has 4 legs it should be off limits (unless it is some circus chick from Turkey)?

The way you look at it says a lot about who you are and what we have become as a society.


1. 9 year old girl ate her twin while in the womb???????

2. Holy Crap those are big bugs!

3. Ever thought about putting your wife on EBAY? It seems that the going price for blond wives on the site is a million dollars.............

4. Does anyone get upset nowadays when a gas station gets robbed?

5. Have a friend/enemy that works for a local government agency? Find out how much they make with this nice little link.

6. Polar Bear is now endangered!!!!! I for one will be sad if I can't look out my front window and see a Polar Bear anymore. What a joke.

7. No more GE Appliances.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


You silly KCMO bastards crack my ass up. Seriously, one month you are bitching about cutting city jobs and not being able to hire additional police officers and THIS WEEK you are talking about raising taxes to fund museums that are rarely visited. This is almost as funny as light rail...I said almost.

Call me crazy but isn't crime a far more serious problem than museum funding? If you want to increase taxes wouldn't it be a better idea to use that money to hire additional officers and buy some Humvee's for the officers patrolling the East Side?

Does Kansas City really need a Museum? What is so historical about this town? We slaughtered some Indians, had crooked politicians and at one point in town had a cattle industry that was thriving. Do we really need to fund a museum that is full of crap that other than being old has no historical significance?

The following museums can be found in the metro area.

Arabia Steam Boat
Negro League Baseball
Toy & miniature
American Royal
Kemper Art
Union Station
Garment District Museum
Thomas Hart Benton
Hair Museum
Doll Museum
Alexander Majors
Strawberry Hill
Missouri Frontier
Harry Truman
Mahaffee farmstead
Jackson County Jail Museum
AND THAT IS JUST A SMALL SAMPLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an idea, combine your resources and make one museum that is actually worth a damn. It is no wonder all of the Museums suck, all the crap is spread out at different "museums" . All of these places complain that they are under funded and attendance is poor. NO CRAP! Who has time to go to all of these places to see nonhistorical old crap?

KCMO needs to give these jackass's the finger and get more cops.


This show is actually funnier in Japanese.


1. Kansas City Teens enable our city to make yet another Top 10 list.

2. Bomb squad responds to suspicious package found at 40th and whatever.

3. City Union Mission gives local homeless a new place to watch a big screen TV and surf the net for porn. Thats the motivation and assistance they need to get back to work.

4. Gunshots in Grandview

5. Ike Turner instilled some work ethic in Tina.

6. Wyco starts recycling next month. I just wonder how they are going to fit KCK in that little green bin.

7. Ghetto reality show hitting FOX. This has potential!

8. Obama - wear gets a new addition.


Monday, May 12, 2008


1. See what happens when people start reading the articles? Carrie Underwood could fix this!

2. The best ticket ever handed out.

3. The liberal media starts the campaign for Obama off by attacking people that live in rural America. John McCain has no clue as to what he is in for.

4. 53 illegals detained against their will..... not by border patrol or Minutemen, by their own.

5. Natural selection at its finest.

6. More layoffs at Sprint. They need to change their name from Sprint to Limp.


After months of research and tracking crime stats I have finally been able to put a finger on the reason that violent crime has spiked in the Metro (minus JOCO of course). I believe that the lack of McGruff the Crime dog ads which for years served as a reminder to our youth to not kill, stab, shoot, rape, car jack, extort, kidnap etc... is at fault. What else could it be? Surely it isn't ineffective policing tactics, liberal social programs, the desire to be Hood Rich, the early release of violent offenders due to prison overcrowding or drug wars. Blame TV! Blame McGruff!

1. KCK pulls the Hat Trick! That's right, THREE people gunned down on Central Avenue. Those crazy kids in KCK never let me down.

2. Out and about at 2am on Wabash. Did you expect another outcome?

3. Freemont lowers its carbon footprint by stabbing and not shooting. Al Gore is pleased.

4. I for one was shocked to learn that this gentleman had a criminal past. If you read liberal blogs you would of thought that cops just randomly shoot people.

5. I have never understood why a fine company like Quick Trip would open up a store in KCMO. Maybe after this they will stick to the burbs where their rollers of food are appreciated.

Friday, May 09, 2008


1. WITCHES & BITCHES. No I am not talking about some crappy art exhibit at the crossroads. Code Pink is back to protesting the Marines and they brought back up!

2. Do you make more than your stay at home mom wife?

4. Liberals think that a war over oil is a bad idea but how about a war over food? We could kill two birds with one stone if we act now!

5. Hindus get beef removed from British Airlines.

6. Selfish Union workers are effecting the lives of others.

7. When a car is broke into in JOCO it is news worthy! I dig the fact that this story will get just as much air play as this murder in the East Side.

8. The most creative burglars in Metro history were sentenced today. The metro will miss these bastards. With these idiots off the streets all that we are left with are 7-11 robberies.

9. KCMO releases last years police report. In a down year there was still one person killed every 4th day. I have a feeling that this years report is going to be a little different.

BIKE WEEK????????????

It has just come to my attention(thanks tony) that next week is going to be the most dangerous week for motorists of the year. Next week there will be armies of ultra thin people draped in spandex and retarded helmets taking up traffic lanes meant for cars. Next week the streets will be filled with "that guy", the guy that thinks that climbing a hill at 3mph is manly, taking up a traffic lane that is 6 feet wide with a bike that is 6 inches wide is their right, that wearing yellow bracelets will put them in the tour de france and the same ahole that picks rush hour to "train". Next week is BIKE WEEK!

If they want to have a week, no problem, make it the 3rd week of December. Do we really need to start off spring with a week that reminds us how annoying these people are?

This week will be a war of good vs. evil. Celebrate bike week with getting up behind one of these morons and riding your horn as they climb that hill. Cut them off at intersections. Screw the turn signal, let them look for your arm as you signal right and turn left. Slow down while in front of them to drink your coffee. Give them maps that show them where the BIKE TRAILS ARE! The metro has spent $$$$$$$$$ to give these jerkoffs a place to safely ride, USE THEM. The key here is to be creative and have fun with it and to remind these people that there is no such thing as THE TOUR DE JOCO.