Sunday, May 31, 2009


Mondays suck worst than GOP leadership.

1. Elected officials find a way around credit shortage.

2. Welfare mom gets reality show. I am still hoping for a show like survivor that takes place in a homeless camp.


4. "No one is more concerned that Obama" Don't we hear that about everything?

5. There are no longer any survivors alive from the Titanic. Why people celebrate a wealthy elitist woman being lowered into a half full lifeboat is beyond me. How about the 1oo's of Irish that drowned so that this lady could have leg room. Pardon me if I own shed a tear.

6. Ugly, old, virgin, Psycho. Yeah, Britain has talent....

7. Homeless people can't find a job BUT they can find a computer with an internet connection so that they can FACEBOOK.

8. Kofi is a douche bag. He was responsible for more deaths than 300k on his watch.

9. Another Republican with no spine.

10. It is now confirmed. The smartest person in Olathe is 13.


KCK residents should be embarrassed! Shooting up a minivan? Come on, thats not gangster.




You have to appreciate the variety in this weekends violent crime. I was kinda getting sick of typing "drive by", " home invasion" etc..

1. Driving down Prospect at night is more dangerous than driving through downtown Baghdad.

2. The elderly in KCMO are getting smacked down.

3. KCMO police play hide & seek with drug dealers.

4. After being chanced through NE Kansas City man decided to jump off bridge. Who hasn't wanted to do the same after driving through there?

5. Dead bodies popping up around JOCO?

6. "Cleaning gun" gets man off the hook for wacking his girlfriend.


It is good to see that he feels our umm pain.

1,000,000,000,000,000 TRIMESTER ABORTION

Friday, May 29, 2009


You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here!

US scientist finally grant his wish.


now you know.


Thursday, May 28, 2009


This will be some pretty entertaining TV! What in the hell is this guy going to be able to say that is positive? That jaywalking is down? High Crime, Crappy schools, Urban Blight, Infrastructure problems all over, wife distractions, "new tools" failure, blight rail embarrassment, stimulus money embarrassment, recall embarrassment, minutemen embarrassment, NAACP embarrassment, fountains not being turned on embarrassment, police funding embarrassment..............
I hope to god that someone is there and throws this thing up on youtube.


For your freedom and mine freedom!
Loyal until the end!

For freedom we fight!

The above three lines or statements are the inspirational chanting mottos for the West Point Military Academy classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011. Looks like the plebe have not yet their own chant”.

Believe it or not that sole idea gives me a lot to be concern about. I am so concern because with the new Commander in Chief, the Vice-president and the Speaker of House the chanting for the Class of 2012 may change to things like “It is Ok to give up” “Always ready for an apology” “Sorry enemy if I hurt you”! “Castro, Chavez, Morales and Correa our loyalty with you all”

On the last weekend when the Honorable Secretary of Defense Gates delivered the Commencement Address to our new and future military leaders of our country, He did realized that we was talking to the next generation of generals, public servants, but more important he was talking to the future military leadership of our great nation.

I loved the part when Secretary Gates said “Today I want to talk about you and your families-because when you signed up, you also signed up all those who love you most”
I was ready to collapse when I realized that I have done something wrong, well WE have done something wrong! We elected their Commander in Chief, and their Vice-president the VP is the one that can take over if something wrong and fatal will happen with the President of USA. God won’t allow this, but we need to have the right succession plan ready to keep our country moving, He (Bidden) is the second in command. We also allowed Pelosi to continue and to move up to become 2nd ranked individual to take the presidency in case of some type of emergency situation.

I want to apologize to all the future military leaders for giving you all that you have right now as leaders (I didn’t work the hardest to put McCain in the White House), I am very sorry for giving you a Commander in Chief that bows to kings, hugs socialist presidents from other countries, and wants to easy sanctions to Cuba Communist and for sure he will run to hug the Castro brothers “as soon the conversation and negotiation will permit”.

Sorry for the VP that opens his mouth and releases to the public and to our enemies the location of our “High Level Security” facilities created to protect the top leadership of our nation.
Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen of the West Point M.A. Class of 2009 and to all military academies to allow the re-election of the Speaker of the House the same one that does not respect organizations or agencies such us the CIA, FBI or any Government agency that protects us for terrorist attacks.
And of course to the families is this brave Americans for giving you the leadership that will put your kids in a harm way! Your kids won’t have any rights to protect themselves; they will not be able to learn or practices interrogations techniques that will allow us to have information to stop future attack to our nation. Their bravery in the battlefield will be a reason for punishment! They are on their own….

Secretary Gates closed his remarks by saying: “I believe that for so long as we seek to be free men and women, for so long as the bright light of liberty shines, there will be those whose sole ambition, whose sole obsession, will be to extinguish that light” (I do believe the sad part is: sometimes we do elect them, they are around us!)

“I believe that only strength, eternal vigilance, and continuing courage and commitment of warrior like you, and your willingness to serve at all costs, will keep the sacred light of American liberty burning: A beacon to the entire world.” (All honors and respect to you our futures leaders) but once again….

I am very sorry! I didn’t mean it! May your love for our country will allow you to deal with such a great undertaking.

Angelo H Mino

Melissa Joan Hart

It seems that celebs are either too fat or too skinny. What the hell happened to just being healthy? Anyways this chick managed to drop 42lbs and came back to the healthy category.


You have to admire the amount of damage theses bastards have done in such a short time period. Hundreds of years of work and blood to develop and protect our way of life all but destroyed in less than 5 months. Will he take the 7th month to rest?

1. Socialist look to stamp out small Christian groups studying the bible at home. So much for freedom of religion....That is unless you are muslim.

2. Pelosi is setting the stage for more government intrusion in your private life.

3. The emperor is using our tax dollars to spread socialist ideals across our country.

4. The blindness in which the socialist party follows the emperor is frightening. These people will say and do anything for power.

5. The government of the socialist party will now own 69% of GM.

6. The Press have stopped doing there job and continue to be nothing more than the propaganda machine for the leader of our government. Be Scared.
"The biggest heart in the world"??


Summer time crime is always the best. Pour yourself a glass of lemonade, take your laptop out to your front porch and thank god that you dont live in KCK or KCMO.

1. This story doesn't make the Mission Police department look all that good.

2. Turns out the dude that got shot on Belmont Tuesday night was a gang murder. There is no way that I woulda guessed that......

3. KCK woman arrested after finding her man carved up like a pumpkin.

4. It is no longer safe to leave anything outside in Lee's Summit.

5. 15th, 9th, Cypress and Van Brundt. 4 streets that people from the burbs will never see. Yet another shooting.

6. How could he hear them say stop? Perv in Olathe Library.

7. 20 years after it MIGHT have made a difference: Independence is asking for a gang unit.

8. Missouri never stopped being a slave state.........

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Miss me? Probably not. While I was gone it seems that our socialist friend Claire got used and thrown to the side by Obama. It is kinda funny that she actually thought that Obama was going to put her on the supreme court. Face it Claire, you are an Obama whore whose payoff is going to be through his campaign fundraisers for you. And they say Pimping aint easy.......

1. Russian girl turns house pet.

2. Pink dolphin proves that contaminating waterways can be fun.

3. Our extremely butch head of homeland security barks at Canada.

4. PROBLEM SOLVED! White roofs will end global warming. That Obama guy has all the freaking answers.

5. I don't think that the NAACP has been notified yet that we elected a black president.

6. When will people learn that the world is safer with the mafia then without?

7. We have become a paranoid society. Why in the hell would we EVER think to prepare for a solar storm? Is this really a major concern right now? The douche bag that thought that NOW would be a good time to bring this up needs to canned.

8. Mike Tysons 4 year old daughter dies on treadmill.

9. Biden knows that Obama is a dumbass

10. Obamas Supreme Court choice is a racist. Big surprise right?