Friday, April 20, 2012

You might be a Douche Bag if..

You might be a douche bag  if.....

1.  If you believe that Legos are sexist.
2.  Take a wrong turn into Mexico with over 250k rounds of ammo
3.  You are the man in the headline "pregnant man and his wife separate"
4.  You were the doctor that couldn't figure out the cause of death on a woman that drank 10 liters of  Coke a day until you performed an autopsy.
5.  Think that a Secret Service agent admitting to checking out Sarah Palin is news.
6.  Think that lining up your students and firing blanks at them is a good idea at school.
7.  That Starbucks put crushed bugs in their drinks and you still drank it.
8.  Are over 70 years old and accept a new coaching job
9.  Think that you are going to get a hooker that looks like this for $47

For You 4-20 folks

The Wire - Pregame Show

Took a break from "The Wire" for a couple of weeks since the media was actually starting to pay attention to some of the crime in this city.  The same crime that we have been discussing and WARNING the metro about over the past 5/6 years that has gone unnoticed.  Anyways, even with the local news coverage starting to pick up the pace on their reporting they still suck at discussing what is going on.  

Why are the politicians and the media so against admitting that we have a gang problem?  Are they trying to protect the city image?  You almost NEVER hear gangs discussed in this city.  

1.  Liberty woman abducted and raped by ugly red headed guy.  
2.  What is your reward for surviving 78 years in crapville?  You get murdered and charred in your house.
3.  Is there a crappier location in a 300 mile radius than NE KCMO?  Murder 
4.  Creative robbers target a high end vacuum business in KCMO

Over/Under on metro murders this weekend is set at 4

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Loony Liberal - Jesus Freak - Other

Tax day is always a good time to play name that extremist! 

1.  Government raids private family business. 
2.  Justice Department prefers to leave people rotting in prison as opposed to doing paper work. 
3.   State of Missouri has a bill on the floor to restrict your freedoms to a level I haven't seen in a long time.
4.  5 Great examples of government stupidity in "Sex Laws".  
5.  Government out to seize control of Oil business 1 step at a time. 
6.  Kansas City Union power grab for your tax dollars. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Murder Protesting Hypocrites - Cowards

So where are these protesters when there are 120+ black on black murders in their communities?   Have you ever seen crack houses stood in front of and blocked?  Where are the bounties  on gang leaders?  How many "reverends" with talk shows showed up this weekend when Kyle James's friend got gunned down? NONE, NEVER and why is that?

Because they are too chicken shit to stand up to people that are actually cold blooded killers.  Crap, those dudes in front of the police station would run if they actually went where the real violence was happening and I am not talking about walking with candles down a street.  Point out the drug houses, act as witnesses to crimes instead of not "snitching".

Take the war to the gangs.  Why doesn't the national black panther party have bounties out for the leaders of the crips, bloods, folks, vice lords etc..?  Because they are freaking hypocrites.  Self serving headline grabbers who thrive off of this crap.

While the rest of America is watching this whole circus act in Florida our own community is averaging   a couple of shooting a day, several murders a week and countless lives ruined.  All because the color of the skin of the killer is the same as the victim.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Picture of the Day

I know its wrong BUT

Almost Daily Link Blast

This post was done on cough syrup, allergy medicine, cough drops and Sudafed.  Kansas springs suck.

1.  Florida cops dress as Easter Bunnies to spy on you as you sit in your car.  A new low?  Hat tip to  @binksbuddie
2.  12 of the hottest hot sauces in the world.
3.  10 things you douche bags need to quit doing on Facebook.
4.  Miley Cyrus caught with no panties on??????
5.  5 Historic examples of how weird Easter can get.
6.  Summer jobs that even KCMOSD students could do.
7.  Top 10 hitmen of the Sicilian mafia
8.  $20,000 suits will make you look good in Bankruptcy court.  Warren Sapp.
9.  Map of KCMO before drive by shootings and Kyle James
10.  10 signs that you are watching an awesome movie from the 80's.
11.  Ways to compliment a woman's body without coming across as a creep.
12.  Yes, there actually was a Beatles cartoon.
13.  5 things you can learn by quitting your  job.
14.  12 awesome custom Lawn Mowers.
15.  Kick Ass photos of what people thought transportation would be like in the future.
16.  20 signs that America is full of mental midgets. 

We Going Lootin

While you are out trashing your neighborhoods could you please pick me up 2 things.
1.  Ipad 3
2.  Samsung Note

I would prefer products with no smoke, bullet or tear gas damage if at all possible.
Thanks in Advance,
Sob Wired