Friday, September 28, 2012

Picture of the Day - Lohan

Almost Daily Link Blast - Keeping it Local

The fact that these are the 10 most interesting stories that I could find regarding the metro shows how pathetic our area is.  

1.  The chances of getting killed by a drunk driver in Lenexa just went up now that they seized 2700 lbs of weed.
2.  The metro changes bus routes and not 1 person gave a F***
3.  Remember Baby Lisa?  That investigation is going stellar
4.  Todd Akin points out the obvious - Claire McCaskil isn't very lady like. He must of meant her looks.
5.  KCMO PD brags about taking 30 years to solve a case.  
6.  Tongie Trailer Trash is just fun to say. Rot in Hell Pedo!
7.  41 year old Joco woman MIGHT be the worst criminal in history.
8.  KCK Rappers go 2pac and Biggie
9.  The people that have been on the Cliff Drive committee might be the only group worst than the KCMO School Board.
10. KC Bizz Journal is now covering how appealling guys packages are...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Guess Post - Ernest Evans

In the story she did in July 2011 on my research on crime in KCMO Ms. Betsy Webster of KCTV 5 noted that in the past 15 years there have been an average of 42 more black homicides in KCMO than homicides of other races, but that after the Salva story broke this figure increased to 57 more black homicides than homicides of other races. This gaphas appeared, according to preliminary figures, to have grown in the past year. 

 In calender year 2011 there were 62 more black homicides than homicides of other races, and in the first year of Mayor James administration (May 1, 2011-April 30, 2012) there were 70 more black homicides than homicides of other races. Right now in 2012, we are at 43 more black homicides than homicides of other races--and the calender year still has three months to run. Crime situation in the city's black neighborhoods appears to be deteriorating.


Can someone please tell me how the people at one of the most successful retail chains in the world came up with the idea to open a store in Merriam, Ks?  We are talking about the city in Joco that makes Olathe look like Leawood right?  I don't care what they open up in Merriam, it will fail.

Has anything ever succeeded over there besides a Krispy Kreme donut shop?  Even the people that live there have failed (at life).  This is the city that is home to the Honor  Roll Student Mecca of Shawnee Mission North right?  The people that live over there probably think that they are getting a car dealership.

How is it that you passed on Southern Joco, The Village West and the Zona Rosa area and came up with a place that was begging for a freaking Circuit City?

IKEA,  You are doomed.

Natural Selection at its best

Sometimes people just get what is coming to them

Liberal Women - Ugly and Clueless?

$11 for Obama Love

Classy Liberals

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Almost Daily Link Blast

"The Mot*** F****** Saga Continues"
 In the words of the poets from Compton, CA  

1. @voiceofmerrill discusses the pros and cons of drinking from your ass.
2.  Ramen Rater is real and does exactly what it says.  Enjoy you Broke bastards.
3.  Can Men and Women be "just friends"?  Yeah right!
4.  $460,000 for a bottle of whiskey?  What pretentious prick would buy that?
5.  10 Tips on how to get a job from KCMO residents.
6.  Should men quit Facebook?  Not that any actually would.
7.  15 greatest Nickelodeon Shows of the 90's.  Double Dare!
8.  The 2013 Good Pub Guide is out.
10.  How to remove crappy Instagram Filters
11.  6 annoying things you pricks do on the Office Elevator. 
12.  10 facts about flirting that you didn't know
13.  10 Tricks on how to sell your crap and make some money.
14.  Infographic - Every Apple Computer Ever Made
15.  These are the toys that your spoiled brats will want for Christmas this year.
16.  Infographic - History of Halloween.
17.  ESPN goes Twitter in their new News Feed.
18.  Why Psychotic Women are great in bed.
19.  12 Things Women want in Bed besides more Pillows.
20.  Check out Guy Crap on Tumblr for more

Headline of the Day - Love Seat

Ummmm......was the couch consenting or was it a legitimate rape?

Picture of the Day

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chinese Aircraft Career looks like a toy

China gets first aircraft carrier amidst tensions with Japan - World News - IBNLive

I am sure that it will be recalled within a year  if it is like everything else that has been made in China

Monday, September 24, 2012

Got Grandchildren?

Well you might of if you lived in NYC but thanks to the school district you will never know. This post isn't about abortion, its about the government overreach that is occurring in the raising of our children.

That's right folks, the people that have banned tag and dodge ball because it is too dangerous and demeaning to kids are giving away abortion pills without you knowing.

Pretty cool right?  Instead of teaching responsibility they are saying

"go ahead and screw, we have you covered and the best part of it all is that your Mom and Dad will never find out.  We are the government and we know better.  Now after you throw away that unhealthy meal your parents made you go get yourself a free meal from the cafeteria and take 2 of these pills and get back out there!"

A message to the Overland Park Police Chief

Dear Chief,
First off let me clarify this email by stating that this is not directed to the officers that risk their lives everyday for us.  This is a question of leadership not a question of the quality of officers that you have working for you.

I know that you might have one of the easiest jobs in the country and that the most vital duty you have to the city is to generate revenue BUT do you think you might be able to start patrolling neighborhoods a little more?

This past weekend our subdivision was full of prowlers cutting through backyards, roaming the streets at late hours of the night etc... It is almost like they knew that there wouldn't be a single patrol car in the area and they had free reign of the area.

What this led to was a bunch of residents running would be criminals out of their neighborhoods and tracking down fence jumpers in their vehicles.  Is this really what we have come to in South Overland Park?  Do we need to form "neighborhood watches" (cus we all know how well that worked out in Florida)?

Sure traffic tickets, pathetic DUI  checkpoints, massage parlor "stakeouts" and the crackdown of weed generate a lot more revenue and headlines for you and make it more likely that you will remain chief but could you throw us just this bone and let us sleep in piece?

Friday, September 21, 2012

The 74% can kiss my ass

I have spent the past few days reading through census reports, tax rates, social engineering tax breaks etc.. so that I could better understand the whole 47% debate that Romney started and come to a simple, well thought out conclusion.  Well, with the exception of veterans and the seriously handicapped, the rest of them can kiss my ass.

Oh, don't worry, the other 47% is thinking that 53% of us can kiss their ass too.  Hell inside of the 53% that I belong to I want 27% of those people to kiss my ass.  

So basically what I am trying to say is that I could care less what 74% of you idiots think and I wish that you would simply mind your own business on all affairs and let me keep my freaking money.  

This percentage shouldn't be shocking to anyone because when you add up liberals and religious soldiers you are left with about 26% of the country that actually have some sort of common sense and live by the constitution and not by the marching orders of religion or their iconic hero's.