Monday, March 15, 2021

Picture of the day - Liberal White Women


The Morons that Surround You

When you read the Twitter responses to the Senator that is a freaking doctor in
Kansas regarding Covid, it is hilarious.  The left is so clueless that they are blaming a US Senator instead of the moron that is in charge, the leftist dumbass Governor.  What role does the US Senator have in vaccine distribution, closings of businesses, schools, etc??  NONE.  

So to the dim-witted, please learn how government works before you take to social media to blame people that can't control your situation simply because they are a Republican that you don't like.  Look at the unqualified grandma that you elected, your STATE reps and senator, county commissioners, mayors, and judges.  Do you even know who reps your hood on a local level? Probably not.

These slow-thinking blue people on social media in KS are hilarious and full of misguided rage.  Check them out for a good laugh.  

The Notorious B.I.G. - Suicidal Thoughts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Random Blog Shit

  • Music-I get asked about the videos I choose all the time.  The simple answer is that it ties in with either what I am covering or what I am feeling at the time.  And yes, this is all crap I listen to. If you don't like the music, then you have shitty taste in music.
  • Politics - The more we step away from Trump and his conspiracy theories, the more comfortable I feel in covering politics again without being lumped in with the mentally deranged people of Trump. 
  • Contacting me - The email address is on the sidebar
  • Location - So Covid delayed my return to JOCO from 1yr of living in the South due to business.  I do plan on making it back to JOCO this year once this lease is up
  • Podcast plans - I scratched them last year once I researched the shows that wanted to partner with me.  I would not join any ProTrump podcast during the election.  I was fine with being AntiBiden, but once again, there was no way I would tarnish my name by drinking his Orange Kool-Aid.
  • Twitter - Yes, I ended my blog's Twitter Feed once I went through all of the health issues that I went through from 2014-2016.  Yes, it will return shortly.
  • JOCO Court Case - My case ended in May of 2019 and there are zero remaining hearings.  This means that they can not tie posts I made regarding the courts into my personal civil case and use it is leverage against me.  So yeah, 2022, Unelect Foth in 2022.
  • Readership - So at my height I was seeing over 1000 views per day.  Well, not really blogging more than 5 months over the past 5 years kinda hit that number hard.  Or maybe nobody reads blogs like they use to?  I use to get mentioned by radio/tv stations, recognized my links being shared with people that didn't know it was me etc..  I will never return to daily blogs, but rest assured, this SOB ain't going anywhere for at least the next 3 years.  Unless I die from cancer.  So yeah, cancer could end the blog, because that kinda ends everything.  So if you still read, tell people to check us out.  We say the shit that should be said in the metro.  Everyone else is stuck on stupid, afraid to be canceled etc.. 

Get At Me Dj Quik

Judge Neil Foth - Countdown Begins

 The joy that one gets when they realize that sooner rather than later the Judge that was at the root of all corruption allegations will soon be up for election is well,
amazing.  You see, when my case was first making its way into the JOCO court system this jaggoff had just begun a new term as Judge.  I could only begin to shed some light on the issues plaguing the JOCO courts and this "man".  That all starts to change now that we are officially 1 year away from campaign time.  

The gloves will officially start to come off and the closer we get to the election, the more aggressive my "campaign" to have him voted out will become.  We will outline the following and provide well documented and researched examples of the following

  • Corruption
  • Favoritism
  • Judicial Bias
  • Leaks
  • Abuse of power
Most people go to the ballot box and simply vote YES to keep judges because they have never heard of them.  This official will have name notoriety on social media, podcasts, and of course this shitty unread (JOCO courts no that is tongue and check) blog.  

Public officials are supposed to be held accountable through the ballot box right? Will JOCO do the right thing.  I am thinking yes....

Monday, March 08, 2021

GOV KELLY CRIES EMERGENCY AGAIN disaster declaration for fire hazard

 Holy shit!  This woman can't be stopped.  Chicken little has cried emergency over
high winds and dry conditions.  PLEASE TELL ME WHEN THIS BECAME THE JOB OF THE GOV!  I can't wait for high pollen emergency declarations, UV RAY declarations etc..

What disaster has taken place???????????????? PLEASE SHOW ME!  This is the best and brightest Kansas?  I got the fuck out just in time.

KSHB Will Not Identify Criminal Suspects Unless

KSHB just came out on the side of criminals, in a city full of crime.  You can
now only get a description of the criminal if they have a tattoo on their face saying I am a criminal or wearing a bozo nose.  Otherwise, the descriptions will not be given.  You see they have these guidelines because they think that they are born racist and that you the viewer are too.  If you hear that a suspect is a certain race, they assume that KC residents will believe that every person of that race will be guilty of the crime.

Sure there are moronic people out there that think that way but since when do we as a community cater to the morons? 

The minute you get a liberal stating that they are in favor of this move is the minute you are sitting across from a racist.  You see, they won't say that this is due to "black lives matter" but it is.  Isn't it a backward way of saying that they have been a racist in the past?  This is a lot like a fat person setting guidelines on food to lose weight but not admitting that they have been or are fat.  

The shit you find when scanning the local headlines is mind-numbing.  This makes 2 posts about race in a freaking day when this is the last freaking subject I want to discuss.  The news media sucks because both of these posts come out of the organizations themselves trying to call us all racist.  Fuck them


Cookie Puss - Beastie Boys - KC STAR Edition

TORIANO PORTER - KC's Chief Race Baiting Clown at it Again

" Brown recently shared a racist meme on his personal Facebook page. “Can we still order Black coffee???” it asked. “Are Brownies being taken off the shelf? Is White Castle changing (its) name?… I’m sure Cracker Barrel is screwed… Can we still play Chinese checkers? … is it still called Indian burn? No more Italian sausages? How far do ya want to go with this foolishness?”"

This little snippet is of the post by the teacher and of Porter's calling it "racist".

Really?  Let me say this.  If THAT is what is called RACIST in 2021 then we have all but ended the need for the civil rights movement because we are done.  There is no need for the George Floyd trial, there is no need for affirmative action.  Ministers can collect all of their candles and poster board and Black Twitter (oops) can rejoin regular Twitter despite black folks calling it "Black Twitter".  BET can sign off and Ebony magazine can refund subscribers.  


The race-baiters in the world can focus on actual issues instead of this stupid 

bullshit.  This STL native needs to check himself because he is being exploited by a paper famous for racism, just to stoke racial tensions in the community.  It is one thing to call out the dropping of actual racist terms, I am all for that, but this assclown is playing the role of a divider.  When you cry wolf like this, people will ignore your voice when/if there is actually something of importance to be discussed and you cover it.  

The Toriano Porter name has/is/will now a punchline for stories in the metro when it comes to race.  2 times in 2 months there have been bullshit reports from this guy regarding race and white educators.  2 times his approach has been eye-rolled by black and white residents of the city. Maybe he lacks the talent to cover real racial problems in the metro.  Maybe he doesn't know enough about the history of the community to even understand where to begin.  The Star figured they could bring in random journalists from anywhere in the country (as long as the skin tone made up for their recent racial confessions) and that would be enough.

I guess the bench at The Star isn't all that deep if they had to go out of town to bring in a practice squad player from a smaller market.  

Friday, March 05, 2021

Tahlia Paris - Body Shamed

Yet another example of Ugos body shamming beautiful women.  This time this woman was censored by Bumble of all places because her PG13 photos were "Too sexy".  WTF!  White women of the world will not rest unless ugly white women are considered attractive and all-powerful.  

Is that what feminism is in 2021????

Smokey Robinson - One Heartbeat

Misguided quote of the Week/Month/Year - Ty Gardner OP candidate

 " He believes Overland Park is losing its younger generation “to places like KCMO.” And to retain a young workforce and families, “we need to create solutions to keep them here to make Overland Park a place they want to be right now.” - Ty Gardner 

He is from Ottawa and lived here for less than a decade.  Yeahhhhhhh, he completely understands the JOCO area.  WHAT AN IDIOT! Young people only go to KCMO for a year before returning back to the comfort and safety of JOCO.  Sure they may like to visit the P&L District for concerts and sporting events but let's not get it twisted.  

This guy hopes to make OP more like KCMO??????????? HAHAHA

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Almost Weekly Link Blast - From around the way

If you don't read these stories then you are an idiot.

1. The Uniter and Chief hates anyone that lives south of NYC.  He calls us
hillbillies, etc.. just because we demand to live free and not cower inside like little children. To be fair, the man was alive when the states had the war over slavery and his memory is a little off.

2.   Most 99-year-olds would be denied heart surgery due to well, the age of the patient.  If you are wealthy and married to the queen, you get bumped to the front of the line.

3.  TikTok claims yet another- This time the green-haired Saudi hottie had her kids etc.. ripped from her for well, being hot on TikTok.

4.  Ugly women are body-shaming hot women again online.  So much for that whole sisterhood thing.

5.  Teen Mom goes to OnlyFans to pimp out her favorite sex toy. For all of you old people out there, OnlyFans is where the girl next door and D list celebs go to pose naked for your $$$

6.  More proof that the elites are getting Covid vaccines before the rest of us.

7.  Apes get vaccines before most humans.

8.  Cuomo uses the defense of yet another liberal woman abuser, Clinton

9.  As we march more towards book burning, there is now a push to burn movies.  Merica!

10.  Will Biden be accused of putting kids in cages?