Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How Joco residents become welfare whores

The next 4 months will be some of the most tense months of most of our lives.  Socialist are going to divide this county and piss on our constitution to hold power and ruin our country if not elected.
The term Whore is not gender specific 
Be on the lookout for 
1.  The race card
2.  Class warfare
3.  Gender warfare
4.  Religious persecution
5.  Made up statistics
6.  Blatant lies

They will blame everyone but themselves for the hell hole that this country is turning into.  Seriously, who haven't they blamed for this? George Bush, Mexico, Europe, Middle East, Oil Companies, Wars, Wall Street, Russia, China and of course my favorite "not enough time to fix it".  Notice that there isn't a single mention of Government Spending, Entitlements, Unions, Expansion of government jobs, wasted dollars spent on "going green" and a union run education system that is producing a generation of morons incapable of doing anything for themselves.

As the suck the lemming of this country into their web of dependency they increase their base.  A generation of slackers is willing to do whatever they can to keep on slacking and live off of Obama money.  In the meantime the boy king is taking away their freedoms at a record pace.  That is why people are looking the other way when they are being told what they can eat, feed their kids, say in public, how to practice their religion, what money they should keep out of their earnings and who gets to keep the rest of it.

I don't have to look beyond my own neighborhood for proof of the Obama effect.  Sure it use to be the poor that exploited the system.  When someone mentions welfare abuse etc.. they always think of minorities with 16 kids living in the projects but they are wrong.  Your new welfare family is made up with people that have figured out how to work the system so they can live in your neighborhood without having to lift a finger to contribute to society.  These are people that are able to work but refuse to forth any effort to get a job and provide for their family without the assistance of our president.

Why should they get a job? The government is there for them to feed their kids, pay for their tuition, free medical, free activity fees, reduced utilities etc.. That's right, while you are out busting your ass everyday away from your family, friends and events these slugs of earth are living up the good life all on your dime.  While you scrimp and save so that you can afford birthday gifts, eat out  for dinner once a week and maybe do a family activity once a month these folks are eating out 6 times a week, going to movies all the time, buying expensive gifts for each other, taking vacations and enjoying the good life.  The life you wish you had and the life you work hard to achieve.

If they do make some cash they of course hide it from the government so that they don't have to pay taxes on it or risk losing their awesome entitlements.

They do this with no guilt or remorse at all.  They do this right in front of your face.  They do this because they know that there are no consequences and well, because under this administration they can.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Liberals Hate Old People and Babies

There is nothing like a good death panel to start your Monday off now is there?  You need to be afraid America.  These talking heads on the radio, tv and newspapers are just as dangerous as the extremist in Washington.  Listen to them tell you who is worthy of life and who should be left for dead and imagine if they were talking about a family member of yours.  Do you really want people with this mentality making life decisions regarding your family?  Do you want the government to control your death?

Might as well right?  They control every other aspect of your life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sociolist Cowards Hide out and Attack Women

The recent events between states and unions have been pretty entertaining.  From the cowardly acts of their political leaders to the ignorant hipochriticol hate speech from the union members one cant help but laugh.  Never before has America faced this weak of an enemy, this pathetic of an invader and this cowardly of a soldier. 

1.  Pelosi tries to write her own version of her legacy. This story probably wont help things for her.
2.  Liberals hope that police can help with gas prices
3.  Obama talked tough during the campaign but is too much of a coward to honor his word.  Patriot Act  Union Protesting
4.  Daley hides out in office while issuing orders to protesters.
5.  Wisconsin's cowards
6.  Union bad ass's attack defenseless woman (Tabitha Hale).  Chicken Sh*& Bastards
7.  Union Workers Sexually attack Kansas legislator.  Again, attacking a woman.
8.  Union Workers attack yet another female politician
9.  Hoffa is a crying douche bag
10.  "I'll F*ck you in the ass you F" .  What happened to being civil?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A little bit of everything today.

1.  Billions later and Haiti still in ruins.
2.  So blaming conservative talk radio for a shooting didn't work this time so they are going to try again next time?
3. Top 10 cars from TV.
4.  If they will shove a gram of cocaine up someones ass to get it across the border then a cruise ship shouldn't be that shocking.
5.  5 things you need if you want to be a good office drunk.
6.  Piece of crap liberal politician is using the death of a 9 year old girl to raise money.
7.  Wussification hits American Idol
8.  Obama thanks the incompetent sheriff in Arizona for what?  Letting 6 people get killed under his watch?  20 people getting wounded?  Death of a 9 year old girl? Or is it carrying the water for the democrats.
9.  Stephine Seymour incest ?
10.  Olivia Munn shows it all on Maxim cover and the religious right are going crazy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daily Link Blast - "Never let a crisis go to waste"

The left wing in this country is out of control.  That is all I need to say. 

1.  Billions of dollars wasted again by liberals.  Wind farms fail in cold weather
2.  Left wing media gets exposed for its coverage of the shooting in Arizona.
'LEFT WING POTHEAD"  way to exploit the death of a 9 year old girl you sick F*&@S.
3.  Instead of taking responsibility for letting 6 people get killed and 20 wounded under his watch, this jackass sheriff tries blaming Republicans?  Has the November elections really made you bastards this desperate?
4.  Megyn Kelly exposes the Sheriff for the fraud that he is.
5.  Left wing psychos are exploiting the death of a 9 year old girl to push their liberal agenda.  Gun Control, Fairness Doctrine, speech and symbols , destruction of Palin, REMEMBER these people "never let a crisis go to waste".
6.  Meanwhile Mexico finds 14 decapitated bodies amongst 31 murders in resort city.
7.  Left wingers now attack parents of 9 year old girl who was murdered.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Ezra Klein on the U.S. Constitution

As if you needed more proof of the lefts hate for our constitution.


These two links (below) are to a story regarding the decline of Detroit over the past decade and the waste land it has become.

Another perfect example of liberals in control of an economy. 
1.  Slideshow
2.  Story

Crooked Ass Obama

For 2 years we have had to sit back and watch the most crooked president in American history destroy our country. In 2011 that all comes to an end.  The god king and his minions will be investigated and punished for their illegal actions and plots to destroy our constitution.   They know this and are now trying to hide behind yet another name for socialism/communism "the no label party".   Fool us once........

1.  Darrell Issa calls Obama administration the most corrupt in American history. 
2.  Hillary and Hugo - A match made in heaven
3.  Liberal Media (abc news) - Warns Republicans
4.  Obama, Pelosi and Reid delay your tax refunds because they think your money is theirs.
5.  Does anyone know what Ken Starr is doing??
6.  Peppermint Paddy doesn't care about American law enforcement officers
7.  Jack ass Joe Scarborough talks about running for office again.  Be afraid America.

Friday, September 24, 2010

LIBERALS - Americas "special" citizens

Do you think that liberals understand that they are now an endangered species in this country?  These morns have had complete control of our government for 2 years now and that has exposed them for the mental midgets that they are.

1.  Democrats take cowardly stance on taxes while Americans suffer.
2.  California liberals have spent so much tax payer money that their citizens can't wipe their ass's anymore.
3.  Axelrod out at Washington so that he can get started on 2012's propaganda.
4.  Obama is incapable of dealing with Iran.  He wants to have an open door policy with this guy?
5.  Liberal lies don't lead to good ratings.
6.  Obama once again attempts to use liberal courts to go against Americans.


The Democrats still don't get it do they?  Putting this idiot in front of congress IN CHARACTER served what purpose exactly?  I can't wait until freaking November.