Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Link Blast

Some stories that I pulled from the heaps of crap out there today.

1.  Change = Increase in jobless claims, wholesale food, oil and freedom
2.  Wondering what happened to the hot slut teachers from a few years back?
3.  Somethings  never change.  CIA has a history of recruiting drug kingpins, kinda like now. 
4.  Mother's Facebook barn raising more important than drowning child
5.  Violent left wingers want a mother and wife killed.
6.  Freedom of speech is a thing of the past under our current regime.
7.  Liberals will stop at nothing to tax you.  One hour old child that died.........taxed!
8.  Everyone knows that the Victoria Secret models from back in the day are much better than the skanks they have now.
9. 10 symptoms of a male cold - obviously written by a woman.
10.  Tonys kansas city takes on the Port Authority

Gang Starr - Take It Personal

Flashback Friday

Who shot Ya? - Notorious B.I.G

Flashback Friday

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A little bit of everything today.

1.  Billions later and Haiti still in ruins.
2.  So blaming conservative talk radio for a shooting didn't work this time so they are going to try again next time?
3. Top 10 cars from TV.
4.  If they will shove a gram of cocaine up someones ass to get it across the border then a cruise ship shouldn't be that shocking.
5.  5 things you need if you want to be a good office drunk.
6.  Piece of crap liberal politician is using the death of a 9 year old girl to raise money.
7.  Wussification hits American Idol
8.  Obama thanks the incompetent sheriff in Arizona for what?  Letting 6 people get killed under his watch?  20 people getting wounded?  Death of a 9 year old girl? Or is it carrying the water for the democrats.
9.  Stephine Seymour incest ?
10.  Olivia Munn shows it all on Maxim cover and the religious right are going crazy.


I had to stop watching this show because of how disgusting the houses and people were. Well, this tops everything.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daily Link Blast - "Never let a crisis go to waste"

The left wing in this country is out of control.  That is all I need to say. 

1.  Billions of dollars wasted again by liberals.  Wind farms fail in cold weather
2.  Left wing media gets exposed for its coverage of the shooting in Arizona.
'LEFT WING POTHEAD"  way to exploit the death of a 9 year old girl you sick F*&@S.
3.  Instead of taking responsibility for letting 6 people get killed and 20 wounded under his watch, this jackass sheriff tries blaming Republicans?  Has the November elections really made you bastards this desperate?
4.  Megyn Kelly exposes the Sheriff for the fraud that he is.
5.  Left wing psychos are exploiting the death of a 9 year old girl to push their liberal agenda.  Gun Control, Fairness Doctrine, speech and symbols , destruction of Palin, REMEMBER these people "never let a crisis go to waste".
6.  Meanwhile Mexico finds 14 decapitated bodies amongst 31 murders in resort city.
7.  Left wingers now attack parents of 9 year old girl who was murdered.


Is there really a need for 3-D porn?  
Do people really want things flying at their heads while watching this crap?


I swear to got this guy could screw up a wet dream.  All year we kept hearing about his new snow plan and today it fell completely short of expectations.  KCMO streets still sucked and more money was wasted.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


How in the hell do you get hit by a train while you are walking?  It's not like a train can sneak up on someone. Was this guy in a desperate need to tie his shoes before dodging this thing?  WOW. 


Despite the cold temperatures, Chiefs game, warning from the Mayor and the Aflockalypse the city's best and brightest continued on with their murdering ways.  This goes to show you the production level that an unionized workforce can provide.

1.  BP spills blood up in the Northland with the help of some fine citizens.
2.  The only time we ever hear of a street in KCK is when somebody gets shot.  May Lane gets 2.
3.  North OP crime continues to rise.  Jimmy Johns Robbery
4.  Gladstone Bank Robbed and nobody cares.
5.  Assault weapons are the alarm clock of choice in the East Side

Bizarre FT. Yelawolf - Down This Road TRACK OF THE WEEK

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