Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday Wayback - Silk - Lose Control

Dodge City Mayor is a Coward

 “There’s a multitude of things coming down the pipe, causing people to be disgruntled with life,” she said. “People just want to blame somebody, and I feel like it was easy to blame me."

So let me get this straight.  The home of the Wild West elected a coward as a mayor?  This mayor
decided to take it upon herself to make decisions that went against the wishes of the people that elected her and she was surprised that they weren't popular?  She has even gone as far as adopting the typical left wing bullshit excuse of being "afraid", "in danger" and "threatened".

When will we ever see these threats posted or published for all to see?, Never.  It is a con game that the left has implemented to make those that oppose their tyranny look unhinged.  They feed this bullshit up to the mainstream media and bam, it spreads.  It offers them cover for fleeing the next election without suffering the embarrassment of the landslide coming their way.

These politicians got a taste of a little power and once the chance came for them to grab some more, they did.  The fascist left may have won the presidential election but they got their asses handed to them across the board everywhere else due to these power grabs.  Chances are, this mayor was yet another hypocrite not following her own policies and got caught. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Evil That Men Do - Mean Girls Edition

When everyone is done panicking over Covid they will have to turn their eyes back on the absolute evil that is spreading almost as fast as the pandemic.  Netflix will have to have a new subcategory for True Crime stories that took place in 2020 and they will be the most watched shows on that platform. Here are this weeks greatest hits from the women.

1.  Mississippi mom abandons her kid at Goodwill. It is OK though, she left a note.

2.  Another female coach/teacher is arrested for sex abuse.  When as a society will we switch the focus from what pervs men are to the absolute pedos that women are becoming when they are guiding young women or men?

3.  Chopping off the head of an owl will get you executed in Columbia by drive-by firing squad

4.  Bare with me on this one because this woman did lose her 4 year old daughter BUT does that mean you forgive the man that raped your kid and stabbed her 17 times.  Even if that is your son that did it, you don't forgive the damn kid for that.  Also, what MOM raises a son capable of doing such a disgusting act.  In 4 short years this woman forgave her son...

5.  Mothers in Georgia put their personal desire of getting a picture of their kid with Santa created a Covid disaster for them

6.  Principal hiding from 70+ sexual abuse charges is finally going to face a jury now that Israel decided that she wasn't worth hiding.

Crystal Smith - JOCO EVIL BITCH

 So schools have been mostly online in 2020 which has meant that teachers have had little to no
personal interaction with students.  Maybe that is a good thing in the Shawnee Mission School District.  What is it that makes a teacher KICK her student a kindergartner!  I went through 12 weeks of boot camp at the age of 18 and wasn't freaking kicked by a DI yet this skuzz of a woman thinks it was OK for her to  do this?  

Join me in saying, fuck this bitch

Monday, December 14, 2020

Please Stop - Message to my Republican Friends

 Dear fellow Republicans,

It is time to stop this pathetic voter fraud story line.  The cast you brought in to sell this story is awful, the writers blew it and the show runner couldn't get a job on the CW.  Has any part of this story gone well?  We have had courts shoot it all down, former mayors melt from their heads on live tv, conspiracy websites pushing wackier and wackier narratives, blah blah blah blah blah.

Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you are on, it is important to every once in awhile take a look to your right and left and see who is standing next to you in the fight.  When those people are unstable cause jumpers then it might be time for you to reevaluate your stance.  We are not always correct in our thoughts and it is important to remember that this is politics and NONE OF THEM CAN BE TRUSTED.  

Sure there was voter fraud and corruption from election officials but it is the job of the party to prove it to us all beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I am as antifleft as the next normal American citizen but I refuse to drink the Kool Aid being shoved down my throat if it is shit flavored.  Want me to drink up then change the flavor(provide real proof and facts) and put it in a clean glass ( get rid of Rudy and the rest of the douche bags).  Also, don't change what I am drinking on an hourly basis.  The various amounts of claims out there seem like straw grasping and if a Republican can see that then how the hell do you expect to convince democrats and Independents?

Start thinking for yourself people.  It is December, believe in Santa not Rudy. One is capable of delivering and is beloved by all, the other...

The Jompson Brothers "Barely Alive" - My Divorce after life

Almost Daily Link Blast

 Because my links are better than yours

1.  Russia now has access to all the porn people have stored on their Google Drives.

2.  Queens nurse is the first guinea pig for the vaccine.

3.  Instagram CEO bans Kendra Sunderland for JOKING about having sex with him.  Amazing how sensitive the Elite get when they are trolled, yet have no problem with running companies that are platforms for trolls.

4.  If you climb a guard rail to take a photo then only YOU are to blame for falling 260ft to your death.  

5.  Charley Pride went to an event at 89 years old in the middle of a Covid Pandemic.  Charley Pride is now dead.  While 97% of the country is safe from death there are still others that shouldn't be foolish with their safety.  I have cancer, so you don't see me out there risking it.

6.  The evil dictator of California now risks a recall due to his hypocrisy on Covid.  Newsom is just another liberal elite who refuses to follow his own lock down rules.

7.   Former Howard Stern producer Brett Hatley started a Twitch stream, pimped his wife out on onlyfans and is now sending out form letters threatening lawsuits to people that make fun of him.  Another sensitive media personality that was ok dishing it but cant handle the freedom the internet has provided others to giving it back.  The same can be said about the JOCO court system.  

8.  History of the Beatles Christmas shows courtesy of Mental Floss

9.  This story takes place in the fucked up state of Florida and has a fucked up man with a fucked up nickname Bud Light Mike.  Did I mention that he was a convicted felon.  Ohhh that is right I said Florida man.

10.  This Christmas be sure to bring up MK-Ultra to all of your conspiracy crazed relatives.  Check out this video on MK-Ultra mind control.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Narcissist - JOCO's claim to fame

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine last night regarding JOCO and how it makes people soft as pudding and incapable of handling adversity once it appears. 

 To many JOCO

residents, adversity is when the Starbucks drive-thru is moving slow, the cleaning lady is on vacation, or the most shocking of all, snow is in the 7 day outlook.  So why is it that we are surprised when they let us down when the shit hits the fan?  We shouldn't be.  

As for loyalty, forget it. There is no such thing as ride or die in the burbs.  It is a culture of use and abuse.  Men trade in their wives for newer models the first sign of wear and tear and women, they tend to be loyal to the dollar.  The minute that cash has a hiccup they are looking to trade out of that relationship or fleece the man they are with for as much cash as possible.  Don't believe me, just look and see how many cosmetic surgery options and divorce attorneys there are in the JOCO area compared to the rest of the metro or even the Midwest.  The numbers are shocking.  

The identity of JOCO residents has gone beyond the stereotype and morphed into the status quo.  You may want to break the cycle but good luck.  It doesn't matter how well you screen for character or how long you have been together, the minute adversity hits. the true colors of the individual will appear.  What we are dealing with is a culture of narcissist.  Good luck with that. 

Narcissist destroy every relationship around them unless they can benefit.  Check out their relationships with their families, coworkers, "friends", neighbors etc.. I guarantee that most of those are nonexistent or strained.  Narcissist aren't capable of anything more than self preservation and once you are used up.  They are incapable of overcoming adversity without damaging those around them.  This has made JOCO soft.

So is JOCO now full of narcissist?  Not the stereotype, the actual clinical diagnosis. 

The Civil Wars - The One That Got Away

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Benghazi Slaughter is forgotten by Liberal Scumbags - Susan Rice gets new gig

 We shouldn't be surprised by the nomination of Susan Rice should we?  She fits everything that
the left loves in this country(antiamerican, racist, facist, ignorant) and took part in the coverup of the Obama/Clinton Benghazi catastrophe so they owe her.  She was also in charge of unmasking Trump officials, so they owe her double.  

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

What I Miss Wednesdays - Love Edition

The Evil That Men Do

New section that we will bring you weekly highlighting the evil ways of folks that have an impact on our way of life.

1.  Child porn, embezzlement, espionage weren't enough to bring down Hunter Biden BUT NBC is now reporting that the biggest shit stain in America is under investigation for his Taxes.  

2.  Nuke secrets in Russia are now available to the highest bidder thanks to a robbery.  

3.  While the rest of us have faced unemployment, lock downs, salary decreases etc., the ELITE in this country have moved freely and seen their wages increase 160%.  

4.  The one time GOAT decided to take a million dollars in bailout money.

5.  Damon Linker of Yahoo wants to push an America sucks narrative.  This shouldn't shock anyone since the left has hated America since the 50's.  Sadly, most kids will read this and believe it.  Have you spoken with someone under 21?  Yeah, they don't get it.

6.   People close to Bill Clinton are now verifying his trips to Epstein Pedo island.  His biggest fear, divorce. Our shock, they are still married.

7.  We purposely waited for the end of the election so that we wouldn't sound like every other right of center blog discussing ANTIFA but now that they have their idiots in charge their violent antiamarican ways are fair game.  Portland

8.  32 year old woman has sex with 14 year old boy and is cleared on all charges.  NOW the whore is opening an onlyfans page.

9.  15 year old boy that killed his mom finally pleads guilty.  The sick fuck buried the body at his church.

10.  Life sentence is not nearly strong enough for this man that killed a 16 year old girl.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Whiskey Myers - "Stone" Acoustic - Damn!

Pic of the day - Covid Holiday edition


Almost Daily Link Blast - Back Again

Relaunching our Link Blast because well, even after all this time, you people still suck at the internet. Here are 10 things to read/share before we hit Thanksgiving. 


1.  There are absolute crap holes in KC and then there is Pride "trailer park" on 40 highway.  Like most things along 40 highway, people want it torn down.  Kudos to the KCMO WT for

keeping this legacy going.

2.  Miami county women JUST got a lot more attractive. 

3.  Kansas area small town Christmas traditions

4.  The right time of the year to put up Christmas decorations is...

5.  History looks back at the first Thanksgiving 400 years ago.  

6.  Best Nintendo DS games under $15

7.  Socialism was rejected by the Pilgrims, it is just too bad that the country was stupid enough to flirt with it again.

8.   Chappelle bitch slaps Netflix into submission 

9.  This woman put together a list of all the ways you should stop finding women attractive.  This leaves what exactly????????

10.  Top 10 list of F'd up things that Florida woman have done.