Wednesday, November 03, 2021

American Values - Trump = WIN

 For the past several years I have been telling everyone that would listen that Americans do not support the leftist agenda, they simply hate Trump.  Trump is/was cancer for the only party left that would like America to remain free and safe.  Republicans running in 2022 and 2024 should remember this as the Orange Man tries to pry his way into this victory and into running in 2024.  He already tried to claim this as a MAGA victory, despite Youngkin refusing his help... 

Virginia wasn't the only place where Americans stood up against this Marxist socialist movement.  

  • Defunding the police in Mn was shot down largely because leaders in the black community called the new form of White Wokeness something on par with the worst racism they have seen since the 60s. 
  • New Jersey, which nobody saw coming, almost went to Republicans
The hits do not stop there.  Just look at some of the dirty tricks that came up before the election by Marxist Biden voters and the epic meltdowns and lies by your favorite leftist media outlets.

And my personal favorite from last night.  MSNBC, CNN, etc.. all failed to cover the historic win by Winsome Sears.  She ran as Lt Gov under Youngkin and became the first black woman to ever win a statewide race in Virginia.  AS A REPUBLICAN!  That is right, the woke networks didn't want to cover that speech because it would once again prove wrong the narrative of Republicans being racist, and by not covering it, they became the racist.  Keep in mind that the Gov being replaced in Virginia, a Democrat, was caught in blackface with a friend dressed in a KKK costume.  Yes, he was supposed to be a SLAVE for Halloween.  He joined the dozens of Democratic leaders and celebs that were exposed for wearing blackface, for giggles.  

2Pac - Dear Mama

Time away explained

I apologize to readers for my lack of posts over the past 2 weeks but I was away dealing with the sudden death of my Mother.  I will attempt to start posting again but it is hard to be insightful and funny right now so please bear with me.   

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Jackson Mahomes Douchebaggery Gets KC Media Pass

 So the rest of the world thinks that Jackson Mahomes is a complete
douchebag and the local media, well, they are so afraid of losing access to the Chiefs that they aren't covering the story of him being well him.  When we signed Mahomes to 500 million did we realize that we were getting the whole attention-seeking family?  People, with no talent other than being his brother or his fiance (funny, still not married??)

It takes a special kind of douchebag to tik down dance on the number of a slain player whose number was getting retired that freaking day.  His excuses are bullshit. Who cares if the WFT had them stand on the number (they didn't), that doesn't give you a green light to douche it up on his freaking number and disrespect the man.  A man who actually was great, not related to great.  Where is the coverage here locally?  You literally can't turn on a national show without hearing about this story and the lame cover-up and insincere apology that followed once the cover-up fell apart.  

This isn't an isolated incident of douchebaggery, just the latest in this coattail rider's attempt to make a name for himself.  

This proves once again that the KC media is a complete joke.  

KC STAR Wants more Whites Behind Bars

 This is a story that has been around longer than anything I can ever remember and it is not surprising that the self-proclaimed recovering racist are pulling out of the scrap heap.  The headline is "Kansas sending Black residents to prison at a rate 6 times higher than white people" but beyond going into actual facts, they pluck some statistics that have little to do with the actual story.  No, they once again want to paint the residents that live in their area as racist. 

They give a list of things that the state MUST DO, but do not provide any data proving that the state is not doing so already. It is easy to divide a community by throwing out divisive bullshit stories like this, especially with little to no research done or shown.  Instead, they plucked some numbers from a left-wing group that has a clear objective.  (funded by SOROS) Reducing sentencing and putting violent criminals back on the streets (see every Blue city in the nation's violent crime uptick including KC) and turning whole states into Chicago's or NYC or insert shithole city name here.  

  • How about a breakdown of actual cases that could result in prison time, 
  • A breakdown of sentencing that shows that once these cases go to court that the majority of white people get off
  • A breakdown of repeat offenders if reduced sentences are given
  • Proof that the state hasn't done anything to reduce sentencing for drug users
  • Proof that the state hasn't invested in education, community services etc..

These are all "solutions" that The Star offers...... What a shitty publication 

Nardo Wick - Who Want Smoke??

Monday, October 11, 2021

Kevin Strickland & The Star - Makes you wonder

 There are 3 things that the KC Star has covered this year and that is about it.

1.  Covid 

2.  Race

3.  Kevin Strickland

Almost everything in the city has gone unnoticed or underreported.  So why is it that the Star is focussing so much attention on Kevin Stirckland.  Well, it is simple, guilt.  You see, have we seen any of the headlines that The Star wrote about his trial and conviction back in the 1970's?  The Star came out and said that they were racist last year (and then tried to get an award for admitting they were racist) so one can only imagine the type of coverage that The Star gave this man.  So in an effort to cover up some of their guilt, they are focussing on freeing a man that may or may not be guilty.  They assume that he is NOW innocent but do we even know all of the details on this story?  Those details seem to get overlooked in favor of them trying to be crusaders in Wokeness.  

I have no clue whether or not this guy is guilty but if the Star is spending this much time and effort on freeing this man than it makes me think that he might actually be guilty.  The Star is almost always wrong, so why would this be any different.  The more stories they write, the guiltier I think he is.

Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Thursday, October 07, 2021

JOCO Families Financial Panic

 Nooooo, not "those" JOCO families, the other ones that do not live in a gated community and swap wives on Thursday nights.  The regular middle-class family or better yet, what is left of the middle-class family in JOCO (much more to come on that later) is paying a lot more for basic goods/services than they were under Trump.  It is a fact that can not be argued because, well, all that you have to do is look at the prices of almost everything.

1.  Gas Prices

2. Grocery Prices

3.  Electric Bills

4.  Clothing

5.  Housing

6.  Auto maintenance 

7.  New/Used automobiles

8.  Prescriptions

9.  After school activities

10.  Health & Beauty products

11.  All food consumed outside of the home including Starbucks etc.

So while this idiot is telling you that his economic policies will only hit those making over 400k, you can clearly see that when you take TAXES out of the equation, the rest of the country is getting fleeced by this Utopian Socialist Dream that he was sold on.  Remember this when it comes election time and you decide to vote somebody out that sends mean Tweets.  Instead, ignore Twitter and enjoy all the money that you have by having someone that actually knows what good economic policy looks like. 

Some of you are about to take a giant hit in funds coming into the household so you might want to start preparing.

Biden is better than Trump at Killing Americans

How is it that Covid has killed more people under Biden vs. Trump?  There are 3 vaccinations out, the disease is not new to us anymore and we have hundreds of thousands of
people with antibodies.  





Is there anything that this jackass has done right?  The man can't even walk up a flight of stairs, finish a sentence, complete a thought in his head, remember names.  Yet you idiots elected him.  I bet you are feeling soooooooooooooooo smart right now. 

Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire - Rep. Sharice Davids(who hates white people)

 The lies coming out of the mouth of Sharice Davids are AMAZING!  No Rep Davids,
DEMOCRATS stalled the infrastructure bill to push their Green New deal infrastructure bill, which is dead because DEMS are blocking it.  Not Republicans you lying idiot.  

There are 2 bills.

1.  Bipartisan bill that actually addresses concerns like the bridge that you are standing in front of.

2.  The reconciliation bill that handles all the PORK social spending crap that only you socialists want.  AND THAT BILL doesn't include any of the crap that you are grandstanding about.  

The truth since this moron is trying to trick you is this.  The DEMS are holding up the infrastructure bill because they are currently fighting amongst themselves over the #2 bill.  Republicans are ready to spend on airports, bridges, roads, water, you know, infrastructure.  YOUR PARTY is holding this bill up because they can't agree on the 3.5 trillion socialist bill that you said must be passed first before the #1 bill is voted on.  

So please, take your lies back to whatever state you came from before you decided to call Kansas home for political reasons.  

Method Man ft. Mary J. Blige - All I Need

Friday, October 01, 2021

Wu-Tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck

Biden Fridays - More Failure

To say that Biden is a complete shit show is a little bit too obvious.  His own party is distancing themselves, failing to file inline, and are panicked over 2022.  Half of the people that voted for him are now regretting doing so. and the other half are just too stupid to realize the epic mistake that they made.  

2.  The Democrats are just now realizing that the AOC wing of their party is actually in control and they do not like it.  Lucky for them, AOC hates them as much as she hates the rest of Americans
3.  Iranians are using Kamala's anti-Israel stance in advertisements against Israel.  
4.  Paranoia runs deep among liberals.  Especially with the sketchiest person behind the Russian interference lie, Hillary Clinton.
5.  Politico unleashes the story regarding Joe Biden's false image and his history of lies.  Of course, they wait until after the election to do this so it means absolutely nohting.
6. Biden's next phase in his open border policy is to never send them back.
7.  Even the most liberal of media outlets are now saying that Biden is a liar.
8.  Pentagon officials are now calling Joe Biden a liar over his AFG withdrawal.  
10.  Kamala who has shitty poll numbers is now higher than Bidens. 

Photo of the Day - Socialism