Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"minority students who 'don't test well'" - WOKE RACIST QUOTE OF YEAR

 This story out of Oregan might be the most racist thing said by a public official this year.  You see, the
state of Oregan decided to drop most of its standards to qualify for graduation stating that MINORITY STUDENTS DON"T TEST WELL.  The people stating this racist crap are the people claiming to be Woke and support BLM.  With friends like this, who needs enemies.  

Instead of educating and holding everyone to a set of standards meant to prepare kids for their future, they punted and blamed the kids, kids of color, but not all kids of color, right?  Because at the same time that this is happening, there are efforts to limit the enrollment of Asian kids at certain schools because they are "Too Smart". 

 So what is happening is that this group of white women got together and said that Hispanic and black kids are stupid and making us look bad because of our shitty graduation rates.  Instead of addressing their crappiness as educators, they play the race card from the bottom of the deck and lower the bar so that they can remain crappy teachers.  Once again the woke left using and abusing minorities, "for their own good".

This might have happened first in Oregan but it is a nationwide movement, so stay tuned.   

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Big Government is no longer the "in" thing

Research (we must always trust research and science) has just come in stating that
people are no longer
in favor of big government(
GLOBAL research).  Citizens are fed up with the overstepping of government elites during the pandemic and it has opened the eyes to many from Denmark to the United States.  Yes, even in the socialist utopias that the democrats hope to push the US towards, they are fed up with big government.  Those of you that made the switch in 2020 to the socialist movement to fit in with your brain-dead actress hero might now have to switch back to being a normal human that enjoys personal freedom and civil liberties to seem "cool" (despite being against everything that you suddenly claim to be for).  

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Another Liberal Elitist Bites the Dust

 Those on the left that typically bark the loudest about causes are typically those that are the most
guilty of what it is that they are "fighting for". If only Cuomo was as worried about dropping nursing home deaths as he was in dropping staffers' panties, imagine how many lives could have been saved.

MeToo - Hollywood/Political left almost exclusively guilty

Racism - Hollywood/Political left exposed wearing blackface and faking their own ethnic background for advancement

Defund the Police - Hollywood/Political left take cops off the streets of your neighborhoods while hiring extra private security for themselves.  

Immigration - Hollywood/Political left to say that Trump put them in cages (it was Obama) while Biden has soo many kids in cages that they are being sexually assaulted, suicidal, and catching Covid.  Not to mention the hundreds that die or get raped along the way to the border.  Remember, they are compassionate towards illegals...

Covid - Hollywood/Political left before the election said that they didn't trust the vaccine because Trump was "behind it".  Now they accuse Republicans (despite proof that it is across all parties) of being against the vaccine while stating that they are all for it...

This is what happens when you become a follower, you fall for elitist lies and bullshit because you are so desperate to believe in someone.  Maybe you are insecure about your own feelings and stances and run with the herd, buy into the publicist narrative over certain people because you think "oh, if he/she is for it then it must be great.  If you fall into one of the above then you are either a coward or a moron.  This goes for Republicans too in regards to Trump.  The man was a walking contradiction of everything Republicans stood for, yet you nominated him when there were far better choices in 2015 for the nomination.  

And, if you don't believe the DA report, does that make you a racist and sexist since the DA is a black woman? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Ahh, to be a socialist must be tough right now.  


A. Free Thinker

Monday, August 02, 2021

89 Through July - KCMO LEFT Have Blood on their hands

 While KCMO takes funding away from the police and pushes face mask mandates on vaccinated residents, they aren't even coming close to addressing the violence in the city.  Now if you watch KSHB or read the KC Star then you would believe that 89 minorities were killed by law enforcement and that the real problem is the police department or people that legally own firearms.  Interesting.  

So since we all know that defund the police is a complete failure and that people that legally purchase firearms are NOT the cause of 89 murders so far, one has to ask what is the cause?  

To say that violence in KCMO is something that just recently occurred is to be dishonest with the facts.  The truth is that KCMO has been violent for a long ass time.  I first started blogging about the murder rate back in 2008 and it was pretty bad then.  It seems that as long as KCMO doesn't go over the magic number of 200 in a year then those in power seem to be ok with it.  Hell, most of the politicians in the city feed off the murders through fundraising and power grabs.  Have you seen the homes and cars of the people that run these nonprofits or sit in public office?  Ever seen a broke "reverend"?  Yeah, me neither.

So what incentive do the powers that be have to curb the bloodshed?  Their whole identity and income depend on violence.  YET they call the police murderers.  Cops that face violence and take down violent offenders on a daily basis are responsible for how many deaths in the past decade? hmmm.  Yet the policies and leadership of the leftist race-baiting politicians have lead to close to 1500 murders in that same time period.  

Somebody needs to show me the calculus used by these folks when it comes to how they value one life over another.  

Friday, April 02, 2021

“Follower of Farrakhan” - Attacks D.C.

 The look of disappointment on the faces of liberals
everywhere must be something to see
.  They were all HOPING & PRAYING (do liberals Pray?) for this person to be a white male.  Sorry liberals!  

Maybe they will follow this story closely since a cop was killed and it was an attack on the capital.  Chances are, this thing is gone by Monday.  

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

This Week in Liberal Stupidity

The best part about a liberal is well, they are fun to laugh at.  Their
stupidity and groupthink are at an all-time high now that the 80-year-old stammering fool is leading the country.  And before you go and say something about Trump to me please remember, I wasn't a huge fan of his either.  Policies of Trump = Good, the man = cringe.  You see under Trump, I wasn't babysat and raped of my income by the government.  There was a sense of freedom to succeed or fuck up as much as you wanted.  Not now.  Nanny State is in full effect.  

1.  Cuomo MIGHT go down as the creepiest person in NY since Harvey Weinstein.
2.  How can we trust the judgment of a man that keeps allowing his freaking pet to bite Whitehouse visitors.  
3.  Biden says that he won't push for a vaccine passport...So count on a vaccine passport
4.  So, Biden is pushing a spending package at 2.25 trillion dollars and assures us all that there will not be an increase in taxes for those making below 400k.  Does anyone believe this?  Seriously, come on liberals!  Do you like having other people spend your money for you????? Gas prices, grocery prices, electricity prices, house prices, car prices etc.. ALL ARE GOING TO INCREASE!!  So even if you fall under 400k, YOU PAY
5.  1 million illegals will be crossing the border unobstructed due to Biden.  Has anyone seen the videos of the kids stacked like firewood into cramped spaces?  He makes those kids wish they were living in the "kids in cages" era.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Liberal Stooges

 There is nothing worst than an elected liberal, well maybe the stooges that voted them in but I am not into splitting hairs.  The following are just some stories that highlight the mindset of the kinda people that those that need government nannies follow with a devotion that even Christ didn't enjoy.  

1. No surprise that the niece of Kamala jumped at the chance to blame a white man for the shootings yesterday.  Now that a Muslim from Syria has been identified, she deleted the post from Twitter.

2.  Megan Markle, who is a liberal favorite to run for president someday soon, was caught in a lie in front of millions of people.  Only a spoiled liberal would try to play off the bazillion-dollar wedding that she had and try to come across as one of the people.  This is right out of the liberal elites' playbook.  

3.  To say that liberals are power-hungry monsters that prey upon our divisions to gain power is a bit of an understatement.  Read this and tell me I am wrong

4.  Biden pushes for gun control instead of tougher immigration policies after the Colorado shooting.  The exploitation of a tragedy regardless of the facts is key to liberals seizing power.

5.  3 trillion dollars worth of freebies courtesy of Biden. This will of course come out of the pockets of what is left of the middle class which is ironic considering that it is supposed to propel more people into the middle class.  Classic shell game played by the ultra-wealthy liberal elite

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Keep Your Eye on the Ball Kansans - Gov Kelly

 So here we go again.  Parks and Rec leader Kelly is now trying to claim credit for helping out residents that have been wrecked financially due to covid.  Read this

shit and tell me what is wrong with it.

“Keeping Kansans in their homes and businesses — and ensuring they have access to the high-speed internet needed for telehealth, telework, and virtual school — has been a top priority for my administration since day one,” Gov. Laura Kelly

She is taking credit for a FEDERAL program.  Keep this in mind when you read hear her excuses to Kansas sucking at Covid vaccines.  THAT issue is always due to the availability of vaccines, this cash grab is all her.  DESPITE ALL THE MONEY COMING FROM THE FEDS.

Have you ever seen such a liar?  Dipshit residents of the state voted her in and are now watching this political novice get caught almost daily in lie, fabrication, coverup and incompetence.  YET THEY STILL THINK SHE IS GREAT!  Because she is nice.... Reminds them of Grandma...

You wimps need to realize that you don't need to LOVE your elected leaders, you need to elect effective/qualified people.  This woman is a train wreck.  

Monday, March 15, 2021

Picture of the day - Liberal White Women


The Morons that Surround You

When you read the Twitter responses to the Senator that is a freaking doctor in
Kansas regarding Covid, it is hilarious.  The left is so clueless that they are blaming a US Senator instead of the moron that is in charge, the leftist dumbass Governor.  What role does the US Senator have in vaccine distribution, closings of businesses, schools, etc??  NONE.  

So to the dim-witted, please learn how government works before you take to social media to blame people that can't control your situation simply because they are a Republican that you don't like.  Look at the unqualified grandma that you elected, your STATE reps and senator, county commissioners, mayors, and judges.  Do you even know who reps your hood on a local level? Probably not.

These slow-thinking blue people on social media in KS are hilarious and full of misguided rage.  Check them out for a good laugh.  

Monday, March 01, 2021

When Liberals Fall, We Laugh

 Sooooo, it isn't such a great time to be on the "winning" side is it?  I sat back for
the past year and watched all of the white women get excited whenever any of the below men/women spoke.  I heard how wonderful and un Orangeman that they were.. It appears that grabbing them by the P**** was amateur hour compared to the shenanigans that are currently taking place.  And just wait until the George Floyd trial jumps off this spring and it is warm enough for riots.  

1.  To say that Cuomo has a problem with the way he treats women is kinda an
understatement "eat the whole sausage".  Classy

2.  Investigations into sexual harassment to go along with those taking place with his policies killing grandma and grandpa.

3.  Cuomo uses the "I now understand" defense.  Bullshit.  TOTAL CAUGHT LIBERAL BULLSHIT.  Didn't these jackoffs learn anything from the #metoo scandal where 100's of liberals also went down.  

4.  The ultraleftist leader of California is yet another example of do what I say and not what I do.  Here he is caught on TikTok in a lie about his dining habits.  Gavin Newsome has been a piece of crap for decades, yet you are just now paying attention.

5.  Biden vs. Bezos - One liberal leader is against Unions and the other is pushing for unions and higher wages.  Which jackass will win?

6.  Biden is ready to push a piece of legislation that is going to set race relations back to the 1950s.  Having Americans that don't even know of a relative that was alive when slavery was legal to come out of pocket for reparations is quite possibly the most ignorant policy initiative this country has considered.  If this were to take place it should have happened in 1921, not 2021.  Does this mean that every minority is going to expect some sort of payment?  How about the Irish?

7.  Liberals in Hollywood come under attack again for backing White Women instead of minorities.

8.  Teachers Union leader in California is guilty of shutting down the schools for everyone but the wealthy, as her own daughter.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Democrats Piss all over American Heros

Spitting on Their Graves: Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims - Katie Pavlich 

What a bunch of freaking cowards.  If any of these idiots are reelected it will prove that America is lost.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Serf Report

Political Class vs. Citizens of this country

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Liberals Screw Over The poor AGAIN

D.C. Council approves ‘living wage’ bill over Wal-Mart ultimatum - The Washington Post

You have to love how the liberals just F'd the people of D.C. in the rear with no KY on this one.

1.  You lose 1800 jobs from a blighted community
2.  The residents of that community will not receive the savings that Box Stores can bring.  If you read through the stories on this you will find that residents have been begging for Wal Mart to open a store in their hood.
3.  The City can count on ZERO new proposals from other companies to open stores in that area.

Is there more to the story than his?  Is here a hidden agenda (like lower property values) by the liberals in D.C.  There has to be.

Photo of he right is of the other DC that nobody talks about.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Freedoms Lost in America

That isn't the first time I posted that title and it sure as hell won't be the last as long as this administration is in power.  For the past 4 years I have been one of the few people in this area WARNING you about what was really going on behind closed doors and only a select few payed attention or even believed me.  Well I guess that my 100 plus posts were pretty accurate, huh.

This government is dead set on controlling your behavior and snooping in on your private thoughts.     There are so many stories and headlines out there right now that I won't even attempt to link them all.

Monday, July 09, 2012


Take a look a the "headlines" section of their webpage.   Do you see the story "Conservatives make it rough for business"?  Or how about the 
"Many voters may be dettered by Tough voter id laws" 

It appears that the liberal staff over at KCTV5 are trying to pass off 
liberal editorials as actual NEWS.

Any conservative worth a damn will stop watching that channels news for their propaganda 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Senator Claire thinks you are a dumb ass

Don't be fooled Missouri (as easy as it may be to fool you all).  This elitist is still a party hack that has been in Obama's back pocket for the past 3 years.  She wants you to think that she is an "independent" because Obama's numbers are so low.

Shouldn't she be held accountable for her whole term and not just a political ploy for election?

Truth About Claire has some great info about this elitist.