Thursday, July 29, 2021

Democrats in Kansas face rude awakening come midterms

   What will the suddenly woke 3rd district due in Kansas now that they do not have Trump to run
against?  Economy, Crime, Immigration, Education, and mandates are all issues that liberals can not run on, especially after having a reminder of what their policies actually do. Smart people believe in the following items

Low Taxes and Low Government spending = More money in their pockets and less inflation.  Inflation for you morons out there is basically a hidden tax.  If you pay more for food, electricity, gas, shelter etc.. than you did say 2 years ago, you are in fact worst off.  

Defunding the police = Law enforcement that is unable/unwilling to protect its citizens.  If you do not think that crime can come to JOCO the way it has in other parts of the metro then you haven't been paying attention.  These same newly woke warriors are the first people to call the police if a black teenager is selling candy bars in their neighborhood.

Immigration - While everyone is for legal immigration, there is really nobody that thinks that 2 million people crossing the border (33% with covid) is a good idea.  See these woke people may say one thing in public BUT they will move their kids out of a school that is "English as a second language".  Why do you think that Blue Valley increases in numbers while SMSD shrinks?

Education - Where to begin.  CRT and overstepping school boards and teacher's unions take control away from parents.  We all know the pain in the ass parent that now appears to be woke, but fought teachers, school boards, bus companies, etc.. because they didn't like a certain policy.  Now multiply that 100x and you end up with the current situation.

Mandates = Ever notice that the suddenly woke people in JOCO pushing for vaccinations and mask mandates are the same people that hated vaccinations and western medicine before they got their fresh talking points.  Holistic doctors, Whole Foods, Supplements, Crazy wacked out home remedies, were all the rage before Covid/Trump amongst the new woke JOCO.  NOW they say to get the vaccine, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.  It is hilarious to see the hypocrisy that these idiots display on a daily basis.  PICK A SIDE.  

The suddenly woke JOCO is a scam.  Those that bark the loudest about issues are typically those that were the biggest violators of that issue before Trump came into power and it became trendy to be against anything/everything that the idiot said. When you remove the idiot, nobody really wants the bullshit being pushed by the left unless you are wealthy enough to not have the policies really affect you or you depend on the government for all sense of security and self-worth.  

Yelawolf - blood Sunday

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Did KC Just say that the Fauci Ouchi doesn't work?

 Disclaimer:  I am vaccinated and believe that getting the shot for my situation was the right thing to do.

The messaging regarding vaccinations from the left since they decided to politicize it last fall has been a complete and total disaster.  The same people that are now mandating vaccinations were the very ones that put fear into half the country regarding their trustworthiness.  NOW, these same people are saying that EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE VACCINE, you still must wear masks in public and hell if they had it their way, even while you are asleep at home.  

Do not get it twisted, this is not about "The Science" that all of the lunatics on the left proclaim to be following.  It is about control and power.  If it is about "The Science" then our scientists are absolute morons because they have been wrong on this thing almost the whole way.  Every 3 weeks the messaging on what is safe, precautions to take, economic outlook, schools, etc.. CHANGE.  

So when the mayor of KCMO says that mask mandates are back yet pushing for more people to get vaccinated what is he really saying? Variants aren't new to viruses, and shots that don't always work(see flu shots every year).  So are we really going to live our lives in constant lockdowns and maskings for a virus that will probably be as common as the flu?  The shots are meant to keep you from having a bad reaction to Covid if you catch it and yes it will prevent certain strands from latching on to you.  THAT IS IT!  If you hear someone saying that Covid will go away, they are wrong, so it is time for society to move on and deal with that fact.  Not hide and overreact.  If you notice, despite covid cases rising, the deaths from Covid aren't.  

The mayor of KCMO would much rather the city focus on Covid than his terrible handling of crime, race relations, gentrification, failing schools, CRT, and police funding.  And guess what, you fucking idiots will fall for it and at the end of the new clampdowns those problems will still be there.  Many of the residents in the city however will not.  They will either be dead from a lack of funding to the police departments or have moved into areas with schools that are fully accredited and do not teach CRT.  


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Democrats leading Black Folks to Slaughter

 Between abortion clinics in their neighborhoods, to defunding the police, the Socialist in America are doing more harm to black people than they did before they hid their Klan hoods and started calling themselves Democrats.  The fact that so many WHITE democrats in Hollywood and politics that continue to show up in blackface, falsify their ethnic identity should tell you all that you need to know about the true feelings and agenda of the White elites of the socialist movement.  

Here is a handy dandy chart that just came out to show the true power of "their plan"

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Vaccines Work or Don't They???????????????

 So, I have been vaccinated since May so those of you that want to flame me for being antivaccination are barking up the wrong tree here.  You see, unlike many recent converts to both wokeness and science on the left, I have always believed they work.  I find it funny that there are sooooooo many people out there that were against vaccinating their children because they didn't trust them but are now out here lecturing others on getting the shot.  I guess those people were ignorant then or suddenly became proscience!  Trust me, I know these people and I laugh at how ignorant and desperate they sound just so they can appear to be part of the socialist movement.

Having said all of that, I want to see if I can track the logic coming from the incompetent Fauci and vacant-minded Biden. So here we go.

`1.  Biden and Harris came out and said that they wouldn't trust any vaccine that came out during warp speed because the orange man oversaw it.

2.  Biden wins and they both immediately get the shot

3.  Despite getting the shot all socialists continue to wear masks in congress going as recently as May despite the CDC stating that masks for people that have gotten the shots do not need to wear them.

4.  Then masks disappear

5.  Biden pushes for 70% of Americans to get the shots by July 4th, they don't.  

6.  The narrative from the left becomes that Republicans are against the shot, despite statistics that show that the majority of the folks that are not getting vaccinated are minorities (as low as 34% of certain ethnic groups regardless of population).

7.  The left puts pressure on private employers to mandate shots to return to work

8.  The left takes over the censorship arm of social media platforms to control the narrative that they want to push

9.  The left says that you are killing people, companies are killing people, social media platforms are killing people if they do not get the shot, control who can go to work/school, and the narrative that they want.

10.  Masks are back EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE SHOT

11.  Threats of lockdowns and restrictions EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE SHOT

12.  PEOPLE ARE GETTING COVID despite having been vaccinated 

So does the CDC, Whitehouse, Socialist, etc.. believe in the vaccination or are they just trying to make it yet another thing to divide Americans?

To me it is simple, you have the option to get the shot, that responsibility falls on you as the individual.  If the shot works, then people like me that have the shot should have nothing to worry about if they do not get vaccinated. If those people want to roll the dice then let them and let them deal with the consequences.  Why would I care if someone is putting their own personal safety at risk?  I don't give a shit about the 100 other life decisions that people make on a daily basis that does not affect my personal safety, how is this so different?

Friday, July 16, 2021

Biden hates the constitution

 I will keep this one short and simple.  Joe Biden either hates the constitution or hates personal freedoms.  You see, the president has decided to step into the world of social media companies, grab control of their content and decide what they feel is suitable for the "idiots" in our country to consume.  So no
longer are these private companies censoring posts that they "feel" are misleading, Joe is.  

They are utilizing the key phrase here "covid misinformation" as an excuse to do this which is laughable since 80% of the stories first given the label "covid information" have now done a 180 and are now considered truthful.  They have all been wrong on almost everything and even if they hadn't been wrong on everything, do we really need someone to nanny our every thought?  If you are too stupid to get a shot and believe that microchips are being implanted into your body then deal with the consequences.  Those of us that are vaccinated are not under any danger from your stupidity. Personal freedoms come with personal consequences and always have.  

Today it is Covid, but what other speech will they decide to censor for "our good"?  Remember the Patriot Act?  That started off as a way to find and eliminate threats towards our country after September 11th.  Well, a few years down the road and we learn that it was exploited to take away the personal privacy rights of American citizens.  We still have no idea the complete scope of this bastardization of the Act have/are in the past 20 years.  

So good job America.  You have in 20 years' time allowed the government to violate our privacy, speech, and soon enough right to bear arms. We have become a nation of soft weak people that worry more about words than actions.  Hell, we don't even need the government to do it, we censor each other's speech right now.  

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Democrats Hate Black Folks

Think about their arguments for both CRT and voting for just one minute.  If you side with either of their stances on these issues then you are saying that black people are inferior to white folks.  There is no other way to explain it.  Then you add on their stance on crime and policing and the whole thing takes form.

1.  Voter ID - They are saying that having to produce an ID to vote is racist because black folks aren't capable of obtaining a Photo ID.  REALLY?  So black people do not drive, fly, have bank accounts, attend universities, have government assistance, health care, etc..  ???????????  Try to go a month in the United States without a photo ID in your daily existence and tell me if it is possible   Even if you are purple, you need a photo ID to do just about anything/everything.  So WHY is voting, which is supposed to be the most sacred of all duties a citizen performs not as important as say purchasing booze/tobacco?  If you are within 20 years of 18 then you must provide ID to retailers to purchase Booze and Cigs.  UNREAL!

2 CRT - They are actually pushing a narrative that says that white people are superior and that black folks are inferior!  They create divides amongst kids that honestly could give a shit about the skin color of their classmates.  Then they say that Asians and Hispanics are a superior minority group to black by limiting their opportunities to attend certain public schools??  Imagine being an 8-year-old in one of these classrooms and having this crap shoved down your throat?  "Well, if the teacher is saying that I hate black people then I guess I do" or, "I thought that I could grow up and work hard and become whatever I want like I see all over the country, but I am not good enough unless the white people allow me to".  Despite business leaders, politicians, entertainers, athletes, etc.. that are black everywhere you look in this country.  It is insane.  

3. 187- If the above doesn't make you feel worst by democrats for being black then well, they will just put into place zones where black people can kill other black people.  These liberal mayors have run these now shit hole cities for generations and murder rates were already high but THEN they push for defunding of police departments to push their murder rates higher. The mayors (many of them black) are actually overseeing an ethnic cleansing!  

Democrats were the party of the KKK right?  Joe Biden was best friends with many of the biggest racists in US political history.  Biden called black folks monsters and where they lived jungles.  He said that when Obama was nominated that finally there was an articulate black.  His own VP accused him of racism while she herself was the most self-hating minority in all of California and locked up generations of black males on made-up charges.  Democrats were against the civil rights movement in the '60s.  Every policy that they have ever created for black folks in the country has called for them to depend on the government for survival.  

The good news, black folks have realized this all over the country and are starting to speak out against the policies of elitist politicians.  They see that they are being exploited every 4 years for votes and that legislation that is supposed to be for them is actually for others. 

If you are a democrat, you are a racist.  

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Woke White Women on Twitter are about to meltdown

 Twitter is about to watch woke white women take on
the Bill Cosby release and it is going to be AMAZING!  On one hand, there is a sexual predator that spent 2 years in prison after admitting to being a predator in court that is being free. On the other hand, a black man is being set free due to prosecutor misconduct.  

BLM vs METOO!!!!!!

Every woke white woman's worst nightmare has occurred.  

Monday, June 28, 2021

Cease Fire Update in KCMO

 Just in case you were not paying attention, the call for a cease-fire in KCMO has
been answered with bullets.  Who saw this coming?  Symbolism instead of substance that didn't work?  This has to be an anomaly.

1.  68th and South Benton 

2.     26th and Prospect

3.  Waldo

and dozens more that go a little further back

U2 - With Or Without You

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

OP Leaders are freaking idiots, Political Hipsters

 A toll road?  Really?  This is the magic band-aid that they came up with their failures to address traffic problems in the South?  And it doesn't go beyond 151st
street where development is booming?  This might be the worst idea to come out of city government since the redevelopment of downtown OP by placing towering apartment complexes in a historic old town area.  Towering apartments that almost nobody can afford.  

Shit, I would rather the city take the big leap of putting in a light rail system, at least that makes some sort of sense.  Not building a road that hardly anybody will drive on because they are charging approx $50 per month for its usage and of course spite.  People that didn't want this (almost everyone) will refuse to utilize it strictly due to spite and they are wanting it to fail so that this type of idea NEVER happens again.  

All elections have consequences and we are seeing that in the city, county, judges, and school board now more than ever in JOCO.  It seems that there is a major push in the county to create a political class of elites.  Maybe they grew up watching too much West Wing.  Political hipsters! Idiots that want to take what made JOCO great and turn it into some left coast shit hole.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Only 43% of Kansans have shots???????????

 WTF!  Hey idiots, the shots are safe.  If my cancer-having ass can survive getting
2 doses of the Pfizer vaccination then you sure the fuck can.  There is no longer a waiting period, line, rationing, etc. NO, they are throwing them away because they are not being used! 

Stop your crying and get a shot!  Now having said that...

Notice that all of a sudden liberals are trying to say this is a Republican issue?  Was it not the party of idiots that said that they wouldn't trust any "Trump vaccine" that is now saying that Republicans don't get shots?  How many of these people pushing Covid shots are the same people that refused to get their kids shots for school?  Trust me, I know these recent converts to woke liberalism that raise their kids on supplements, whole foods, and few vaccinations that are suddenly all pro-science because some idiot on MSNBC or celeb on Twitter said it was cool  Weak-minded lost souls.  

Bell Biv DeVoe - Something In Your Eyes

Prairie Village Quitter

Female democrats in JOCO were almost nonexistent until 2016 when Trump got

elected.  Sure there were those that said they were Dems but that was strictly due to their jobs working with the state or county government or they were transplants from a failed blue state.  So is it any surprise to learn that this Prairie Village Dem quit her gig after a year in congress?  Being a female Dem in JOCO now that Trump is gone it is no longer the trendy thing to claim and we will go back to our normal balance of whackos in the county.   

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

East Side Religious Leaders are a JOKE

So in KCMO a group of leaders that have failed their community for over 3

decades decided to CALL FOR a cease-fire.  21 days without violence is what they are seeking.  Yet for some reason it was ignored within 10 hours of the start...  Could it be that the people that are supposedly labeled as leaders in this community really have zero credibility?  Uh yeah.

One minute these folks are blaming cops for all the violence and the other they are blaming each other.  Take the cops off the streets and ask for a cease-fire and all the murders will go away right?  COME ON!  I hate to say it but it is time for people to stop looking at religious folks as leaders east of Troost and find another talent pool.  

And why is it that every time there is an issue inside a black community that they run to religious leaders?  What other race do they do this with?  Is it lazy journalism or some sort of liberal racism.  Minister this and Reverend that, blah blah blah. This isn't 1957!