Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Come for the BBQ & Stay for the Bullets

If ever there was an appropriate slogan for our chamber of commerce it is that.  How jacked up is it that people that live in the crappiest of crap neighborhoods can't even ride the crap bus without getting the crap shout out of them on their way to their crap job for crap pay?

The best part of this whole thing is that leaders in this town believe that light rail will be ridden in this town by non KCMO residents coming to the area for entertainment.  HA!  There was slim to no chance of that happening before and NOW, no freaking way.  More city money flushed down the toilet but liberal wannabe do gooders that could of used the money for more patrols through high crime areas. 

The one thing that few people are talking about is the lack of JOCO residents that are going to the Plaza.  As the JOCO population continues to move further south there aren't going to be people wanting to drive 35 minutes to get robbed or shot at (yes that is the perception)?  Especially when the same restaurants are now open on 135th street.  When Joco residents do cross the border is typically to go to Crown Center, Power and Light and the Truman Sports Complex.  That is until those areas start showing up in the news..

Monday, July 15, 2013

What happens when MO enters JO

Overland Park man killed in drive-by shooting | Local News - KMBC Home

See what happens when people from Missouri enter the great state of Kansas and more specifically, Gods country (Joco).  Sadly, there wont be any moments of silence at concerts for him, nor will there be a foundation set up in his name because the shooter wasn't identified as a white male.  Because to some, that is the only time a death means something.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Best Picture Ever - Aaron Hernandez

Sometimes you find stuff on the internet that is too good to be true.  This is not that time because this is a legit photo of the NFL's Pro Bowl Murderer(allegedly).  Notice if you will the Livestrong bracelet and the always safe finger on the trigger.  Looks like an innocent guy to me...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blue Valley's Crooked Women?

OP police investigate missing funds from parent-teacher organization | Local News - KMBC Home 

Having kids attending and a wife that is extremely active with the PTO gives me a little insight into
this whole organization and its true purposes (which rarely benefit the kids and instead benefit the teachers or the school building) and how clumsy that some of the accounting can be.  Luckily, the group at our school are professionals at this and we have never had an issue with cash.

With that said I seriously doubt that anyone is going to have to look beyond the inner circle of this organization to find the criminal.  Blue Valley soccer moms will do anything to keep up with the Jones's, especially if they are experiencing financial difficulties.

I am honestly shocked that this doesn't happen more often.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Serious New Crime Epidemic about to take over Missouri

Man injured in knife fight between carnival workers | Local News - KMBC Home 


Most Missouri residents are barely above the "carnie level" so can you think of a better state for this crime epidemic to start in?  On the bright side this might finally reduce the number of inbreed residents in the state.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Kyle Flack takes advantage of Franklin County incompetence

And due to their incompetence we will never know if 18 month Lana could of been saved from Kyle Flack.

1.  Can someone tell me how the law enforcement officers for Franklin County got their jobs?  I
don't think I have seen this much incompetence since Barney tried to arrest moonshiners without Andy.
2.  Doesn't attempting to issue an Amber Alert for a missing kid several days after she goes missing go against what the freaking Amber Alert is for?   You don't sound tornado sirens 3 weeks after they hit a city do you?
3.  When you get a call regarding a smell that is worst than garbage SHOULDN'T you investigate it a little further?
4.  That residence was a frequent location of the mother and child. DID YOU NOT THINK to check out that property a little bit earlier in the investigation?

As for the alleged murderer Kyle Flack.  I hope to god that you experience a slow and painful execution.  What type of sick and twisted fuck murders 3 people and a FREAKING TODDLER?  Rot in hell you piece of shit.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's your Zoo now East Side, enjoy

Altercation at KC Zoo ‘free day’ leads to arrest -

I have held off on commenting on this story because honestly it was just too big of a target and there was just too much speculation on what happened. BUT NOW I feel like I can.

Let's see how much is wrong with this whole scenario

1.  Free day is suppose to reward tax payers for footing the bill for the Zoo BUT how many people that went actually paid taxes to fund the zoo?  I can guarantee that non of the people in the fight did.

2.  How does the mayor hope that East Side parents getting more involved in their kids lives would be good for them?  By all reports the PARENTS were the main offenders here.  The saying that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree applies.

3.  The Zoo will now suffer the same fate as Bannister Mall, Indian Springs Mall, Worlds of Fun and yes the Plaza.  Attendance will drop, funds will dry up, exhibits will close and blight will set in on the park.

4.  Alternatives will sprout up.  Deanna Rose is all ready a huge hit in Joco and takes away attendance from the zoo.  How long before a "new zoo" gets developed in Joco or West Wyco?  I have heard from several people out here that say that they will NOT be back.

5.  You knew it was coming.  The Zoo is surrounded by a war zone.  This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.  Remember all the people getting car jacked on their way back from Starlight?????  How long will it be before someone get shot at the freaking zoo?  Do they have metal detectors?  Sufficient security?

The city has an average zoo at best, is it really worth the time, gas money and entry fee to put yourself at risk?  Jocoians everywhere will ask themselves this over the next few months and the results will not be good

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Wire - It's Good To be Needed

I receive emails all the time asking me why I stopped "The Wire".  My answer is always the same, it became to repetitive.  However, I do feel like now is a good time to bring it back.  So Enjoy and make sure that you don't end up in The Wire.

1.  A nature walk in the East Side isn't complete unless you find a corpse.  Congrats!
2.  Shot in the head BUT no life threatening injuries?  I guess brain damage and Independence kinda go hand n hand all ready.  Enjoy the home invasion!
3.  It is good to see that people are still targeting Fast Food spots to jack.  Someone needs to tell them that armed robbery is armed robbery and they might as well go for a bigger score.
4.  Non Profit for Whores gets robbed...and nobody cared.  Seriously, Whores have a nonprofit?  Aren't they all ready tax free? Greedy Whores.

2 Year Old is Proud of his father

Man charged in high-speed police pursuit in Grandview | Local News - KMBC Home 

You just know that the 2 year old son of this guy is proud to call him Dad.  100mph with no seat belt, hide and seek in a frozen creek and then off to family pictures.  Nothing beats a positive male role model.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Suspect in standoff is dead after fatal shooting of two Topeka officers - 

The only thing wrong with this story is that the suspect didn't suffer a long drawn out death.  

RIP Officers: Cpl. David Gogian and Officer Jeff Atherly 

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Cold Blooded Belcher

Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher spent night with other woman before murder-suicide -

People that defended this Murderer, felt sorry for him or try to blame guns for this crime are eating their words today.  This drunk cheating bastard isn't deserving of a single fuck given about him.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Wire - Turkey Slows down murder

KC Killers take the Holiday weekend off to spend with family. Only 1 murder?  Could the city of turned the corner OR did Turkey make people sluggish in their killings?

1.  Note to all WT.  When robbing a "hotel", wear a mask and don't look directly into the freaking camera.
2.  Is it news when only one person is found murdered in the East Side or does it take multiple victims to get more coverage than this?
3.  Sex slave case in Missouri turns into BDSM "How to".
4.  Why would this guy press charges on his friend?  Sooooo he stabbed him, what's the big deal?
5.  Nothing sucks more than getting shot during a gun safety class.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Wire - Gobble Gobble

For those of you new to this blog "The Wire" is our compilation of metro crime stories and some commentary regarding the criminals, the location of the crime and the stupidity of their activities.   Over the past 5 years we have been the most accurate of any media resource in predicting the number of homicides that will be committed in the calendar year so yes we know what the hell we are talking about.

1.  Dead Pool on Shaggy Park Lane.. Sounds like a Scooby Doo episode doesn't it?
2.  American Inn guests who don't hear gunshots are missing out on the whole Blue Ridge experience.
3.  So your son grows up to be a wannabee mass murderer and all that you can say is "he was born different"?  Way to rep Missouri.
4.  You know that the are is going to hell when someone in GRAIN VALLEY gets shot.
5.  Quadruple play in KCK.  Pizza Hut shooting.
6.  If you rob a bank with a Pellet Gun then you almost have to be from Sugar Creek.  Silly inbreeds.
7.  One of the best places to get a Tamale in KC was shut down for simply storing a dead deer in the cooler.
8.  Nude video being used as blackmail of Springfield slut.
10.  Girl in KCK nearly gets raped and NOBODY is talking about it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Can we please rename some parks? Shooting..

Shooting near Blue Valley Park in KCMO 

As a resident of Blue Valley I would like to move that we sue the city of Kansas City for the misuse of the name "Blue Valley".  This name should never be used inside the slaughterhouse of KCMO.

"When did this city get so dangerous?" - Dana Wright

Headline of the Day - KCPD

They had to do an autopsy to discover a bullet wound!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

"When did the city get so violent?"

If you tuned into Dana and Parks today you listened to a talk show host who use to be an investigative reporter say exactly that.

This is EXACTLY what I have been saying for the past 5 years!  Nobody in this city notices that the city is imploding unless it happens in Joco or the Plaza.  If a freaking REPORTER hasn't noticed it then what makes you think that the common resident does?

Oh sure they know that traveling East of Troost and anywhere in North East KCK is bad news.  Anyone that grew up in this city knows that don't they?  It is ingrained in every white persons brain as much as "look both ways before crossing the street" is from the day they are born.

If this is what the media thinks then this city is in BIGGER TROUBLE than we thought

Scott Parks and the callers are all saying that it doesn't matter because the crime only happens in certain areas.  

"The Business Week Report has to be about St. Louis" - dumb ass caller


Monday, September 24, 2012

A message to the Overland Park Police Chief

Dear Chief,
First off let me clarify this email by stating that this is not directed to the officers that risk their lives everyday for us.  This is a question of leadership not a question of the quality of officers that you have working for you.

I know that you might have one of the easiest jobs in the country and that the most vital duty you have to the city is to generate revenue BUT do you think you might be able to start patrolling neighborhoods a little more?

This past weekend our subdivision was full of prowlers cutting through backyards, roaming the streets at late hours of the night etc... It is almost like they knew that there wouldn't be a single patrol car in the area and they had free reign of the area.

What this led to was a bunch of residents running would be criminals out of their neighborhoods and tracking down fence jumpers in their vehicles.  Is this really what we have come to in South Overland Park?  Do we need to form "neighborhood watches" (cus we all know how well that worked out in Florida)?

Sure traffic tickets, pathetic DUI  checkpoints, massage parlor "stakeouts" and the crackdown of weed generate a lot more revenue and headlines for you and make it more likely that you will remain chief but could you throw us just this bone and let us sleep in piece?