Tuesday, August 10, 2021

KCMO CITY HALL - $6.6 million revenue from ticketed drivers

 City Hall is bitching about a drop in cops writing tickets and we should not be surprised, but should
we join their calls for more tickets or applaud the PD for exposing the scheme?  Tickets are still being written and laws are still being enforced, maybe they just aren't being OVERLY enforced to generate revenue for city hall, maybe they are actually being handed out correctly for once.  Let us not forget that this is the same city that hung illegal traffic cameras, put in janky parking meters to squeeze motorists out of as many dimes and dollars as possible. 

We should applaud the police for their stance and hope for even more moves that put them back into law enforcement and not tax collection.  

Monday, August 09, 2021

Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa, 50 Cent - Regulate ft. Pop Smoke

Almost Daily Link Blast

Links to the crap that you should know about. Shortened due to lack o shit not dealing with Covid.

2.  KC Mag tries to tie KC residents wearing Cowboy boots to umm Texas.  2 things here.  1.  Are you new to the area?  Not aware of its history?  Also, blame the show Yellowstone for it if anything.  People in the burbs lack identity and try to tie themselves to whatever trendy show is on.  I remember while out riding my Harley a sudden increase of shitty riders on the road due to Sons of Anarchy.  There were even some of them wearing leather cuts that said SAMCRO! Pathetic!  So now they all want to be cast members of Yellowstone.  

3.  15 video conferencing tips so that you do not come across as an ignorant douche.

4.  How to tell that you are dating a narcissist.  This is important, that way you do not end up married to one!

7. Chinese-style censorship has hit the internet in the United States.  The woke left strike again.

8.  Liberal elite are above masking up at parties.  Obama's 60th communist celebration.  

Bulletproof Vest Mandate Update

 How many lives were lost or put into danger this weekend due to city leaders' failure to mandate
Bulletproof vests for high-risk areas where the spread of bloodshed is out of control?  It is clear that there is no cure in sight, so why is the government failing to protect its citizens?  The city will not be safe until mandatory vest-wearing takes place in all entertainment/retail areas of the metro and might need to be implemented at home/school to protect the children who seem to be getting shot more over the past 2 years than at any time in recent history.  

1, 10-year-old shot 27th Street

2.  Did the super spreader event begin at QT on SW Parkway.  3 dead, 2 shot.  

3.  2 More dropped Friday night.  

KC Media Sweep Murders Under the Rug

 I think it is safe to say that the KC media is pretty shitty.  The newspaper morphed into a shitty version of

"The Pitch" and the local news stations for the most part simply pimp weather (nothing really to report for a few years now) and try to out woke each other.  So is it any surprise that when it comes to issues that can be directly traced back to piss poor local liberal leadership, they abandon ship, misdirect and try to create further divide?  

We had yet another bloody weekend in the city and the lead stories on The Star are all Covid related...  Seriously, vaccinations, mask mandates, etc.. are a higher priority than little kids getting slaughtered in the metro.  When was the last time ANY local media outlet went after the city council and mayor for the complete shithole of violence the city has become?  Why do these leaders continue to get shelter from the media?  Hell, the KC Star has blamed everything and everyone EXCEPT for the leadership of the city!  Today there is even a story about VACANT LOTS being the cause!!!!!!!!  WRONG!  Vacant lots are a symptom of the crime, not the freaking cause!

This is another example of how KC LIBERALS HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS! 

Friday, August 06, 2021

Creepy Joe Scares the Crap out of little girl

 Yeah, that girl looks totally comfortable with Joe Biden sniffing her hair and breathing on her neck.  

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Cori Bush - Sums up Liberalism/Wokeness/Socialism in one video

Bulletproof Vests needed NOW!

The need for a vest mandate has never been more evident than today.  If you are going into a club, grocery

store, gas station, concert, or out to eat, then you should wear a vest in KCMO.  The transmission of bullets can not be prevented by simply social distancing (in many cases, the further away you are, the worst off you are).  Many people transmitting bullets are hiding behind masks, so if you see someone in a mask, be concerned.  Bullets do not care what ethnicity, gender, or affiliation you claim.  

3. 2-year-olds are not immune to bullets, there should be no age restriction for this mandate.

This is a snapshot of why Bulletproof Vests should be mandated by the Mayor of KCMO. I realize that he is a bullet denier and is taking money away from first responders that are trying to tackle this epidemic facing our hometown but if enough of us demand a mandate then maybe we can prevent the spread! 

Wednesday, August 04, 2021


If you live in East KCMO, what are you at greater risk of dying from, Covid or a bullet?  
Are you more at risk of getting sick from Covid or getting robbed/raped/beaten/stabbed?  

Those statistics might shock a lot of people.  

Those that reside in high crime areas should be mandated to wear Bulletproof vests for their own safety and the safety of those around them.  It doesn't matter if the person is involved in illegal activities, they are at risk due to the behaviors of those around them.  

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Another Liberal Elitist Bites the Dust

 Those on the left that typically bark the loudest about causes are typically those that are the most
guilty of what it is that they are "fighting for". If only Cuomo was as worried about dropping nursing home deaths as he was in dropping staffers' panties, imagine how many lives could have been saved.

MeToo - Hollywood/Political left almost exclusively guilty

Racism - Hollywood/Political left exposed wearing blackface and faking their own ethnic background for advancement

Defund the Police - Hollywood/Political left take cops off the streets of your neighborhoods while hiring extra private security for themselves.  

Immigration - Hollywood/Political left to say that Trump put them in cages (it was Obama) while Biden has soo many kids in cages that they are being sexually assaulted, suicidal, and catching Covid.  Not to mention the hundreds that die or get raped along the way to the border.  Remember, they are compassionate towards illegals...

Covid - Hollywood/Political left before the election said that they didn't trust the vaccine because Trump was "behind it".  Now they accuse Republicans (despite proof that it is across all parties) of being against the vaccine while stating that they are all for it...

This is what happens when you become a follower, you fall for elitist lies and bullshit because you are so desperate to believe in someone.  Maybe you are insecure about your own feelings and stances and run with the herd, buy into the publicist narrative over certain people because you think "oh, if he/she is for it then it must be great.  If you fall into one of the above then you are either a coward or a moron.  This goes for Republicans too in regards to Trump.  The man was a walking contradiction of everything Republicans stood for, yet you nominated him when there were far better choices in 2015 for the nomination.  

And, if you don't believe the DA report, does that make you a racist and sexist since the DA is a black woman? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Ahh, to be a socialist must be tough right now.  


A. Free Thinker

Monday, August 02, 2021

Almost Daily Link Blast

 Ok, so I pulled this from the rotation to see if people actually liked it
and I got dozens of emails asking for it to return and since I am a blogger for the people, it is back.  BELOW are links to interesting and topical shit that you morons are probably too stupid to find.  

1.  White folks in JOCO go crazy for Mexican food that can be found on basically every corner in KCK if they ever left their bubble. 

2.  KC STAR HATES WHITE PEOPLE. Mostly because they are trying to make up for being one of the most racist organizations in KC history.  Overcorrecting much????

3.  Special link for you folks that stink, and there are a lot of you.  The difference between antiperspirant and deodorant.  You are welcome

4.  Baby Yoda update. Plus, who paid attention enough to know what his real name was, or remembered it?

5.  Some men fall in love with narcissists.  NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

6.  7 Reasons why you can't get over your ex.  YUP, as a recently divorced man, I can honestly say that I will probably never be able to move on from her, and regardless of how nasty the divorce was, I would love to try again.  

7.  The AMA is pushing to remove sex from birth certificates.... Umm, WTF

8.  Jack the Ripper MIGHT HAVE BEEN a WOMAN!  Jill the Ripper?

9,  40 funny Cat pictures

10.  The Worlds most expensive burger is 6k.  Yes, you read that correctly.  

89 Through July - KCMO LEFT Have Blood on their hands

 While KCMO takes funding away from the police and pushes face mask mandates on vaccinated residents, they aren't even coming close to addressing the violence in the city.  Now if you watch KSHB or read the KC Star then you would believe that 89 minorities were killed by law enforcement and that the real problem is the police department or people that legally own firearms.  Interesting.  

So since we all know that defund the police is a complete failure and that people that legally purchase firearms are NOT the cause of 89 murders so far, one has to ask what is the cause?  

To say that violence in KCMO is something that just recently occurred is to be dishonest with the facts.  The truth is that KCMO has been violent for a long ass time.  I first started blogging about the murder rate back in 2008 and it was pretty bad then.  It seems that as long as KCMO doesn't go over the magic number of 200 in a year then those in power seem to be ok with it.  Hell, most of the politicians in the city feed off the murders through fundraising and power grabs.  Have you seen the homes and cars of the people that run these nonprofits or sit in public office?  Ever seen a broke "reverend"?  Yeah, me neither.

So what incentive do the powers that be have to curb the bloodshed?  Their whole identity and income depend on violence.  YET they call the police murderers.  Cops that face violence and take down violent offenders on a daily basis are responsible for how many deaths in the past decade? hmmm.  Yet the policies and leadership of the leftist race-baiting politicians have lead to close to 1500 murders in that same time period.  

Somebody needs to show me the calculus used by these folks when it comes to how they value one life over another.  

Scarface - I Seen A Man Die

Friday, July 30, 2021

Conservatives must fight 2 battles to win war in 2022

 As I dive back deeper and deeper into politics for the first time in 5 or 6 years I have found it nearly impossible to find a party that fits my beliefs.  I have been forever a libertarian that traditionally votes Republican due to their (at one time) beliefs in the constitution, strong defense, and small government but is that still the party I identified with since my Grandmother was a Reagan delegate in 1980?  I find it hard to believe that by voting for Republicans that I have to be aligned with the idiots that drank the

Kool-Aid of Trump.  So if I am having that same issue then surely others are, right?

So going into 2022 I believe that Republicans need to put as much distance between Trump and his worshipers as possible in order to bring some decency back to the party to ensure that we rid ourselves of policies that are unAmerican and political opponents that hate our country.  Why is it that we are 7 months into a Biden administration and I am still seeing the name TRUMP!????  Get over it people.  We all made fun of Hillary and her supporters for their crybaby tantrums after the election and how they couldn't believe she lost.  It was great fun and those idiots exposed themselves on a daily basis for us to laugh at. BUT NOW, you morons are doing the EXACT SAME THING!

So let us review the actions of you morons

1.  You riot at the capitol after you spent the summer demanding that action be taken against those that rioted and burned down our cities.  SMART

2.  You do not recognize Biden as president just like the idiots on the left refused to acknowledge Trump as president.

3.  You say that you can't wait to take the TRUMP VACCINE and laugh at those on the left that says that they won't because Trump oversaw it.  NOW you refuse to take the vaccine because of BIDEN.


It is time to move along and focus on the future and not the Orange man.  Trump lost and honestly, there is no way that he will run in 2024, so his political future is DONE.  Why do you care so much about this man?  Burn the posters, scrape off the bumper stickers and drop the Kook Aid.  Republicans win on almost every issue if the person behind the message isn't ORANGE, or an ORANGE disciple.  

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Democrats in Kansas face rude awakening come midterms

   What will the suddenly woke 3rd district due in Kansas now that they do not have Trump to run
against?  Economy, Crime, Immigration, Education, and mandates are all issues that liberals can not run on, especially after having a reminder of what their policies actually do. Smart people believe in the following items

Low Taxes and Low Government spending = More money in their pockets and less inflation.  Inflation for you morons out there is basically a hidden tax.  If you pay more for food, electricity, gas, shelter etc.. than you did say 2 years ago, you are in fact worst off.  

Defunding the police = Law enforcement that is unable/unwilling to protect its citizens.  If you do not think that crime can come to JOCO the way it has in other parts of the metro then you haven't been paying attention.  These same newly woke warriors are the first people to call the police if a black teenager is selling candy bars in their neighborhood.

Immigration - While everyone is for legal immigration, there is really nobody that thinks that 2 million people crossing the border (33% with covid) is a good idea.  See these woke people may say one thing in public BUT they will move their kids out of a school that is "English as a second language".  Why do you think that Blue Valley increases in numbers while SMSD shrinks?

Education - Where to begin.  CRT and overstepping school boards and teacher's unions take control away from parents.  We all know the pain in the ass parent that now appears to be woke, but fought teachers, school boards, bus companies, etc.. because they didn't like a certain policy.  Now multiply that 100x and you end up with the current situation.

Mandates = Ever notice that the suddenly woke people in JOCO pushing for vaccinations and mask mandates are the same people that hated vaccinations and western medicine before they got their fresh talking points.  Holistic doctors, Whole Foods, Supplements, Crazy wacked out home remedies, were all the rage before Covid/Trump amongst the new woke JOCO.  NOW they say to get the vaccine, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.  It is hilarious to see the hypocrisy that these idiots display on a daily basis.  PICK A SIDE.  

The suddenly woke JOCO is a scam.  Those that bark the loudest about issues are typically those that were the biggest violators of that issue before Trump came into power and it became trendy to be against anything/everything that the idiot said. When you remove the idiot, nobody really wants the bullshit being pushed by the left unless you are wealthy enough to not have the policies really affect you or you depend on the government for all sense of security and self-worth.