Monday, September 13, 2021

Be Happy KC, you have no problems at all...

 It amazes me on a daily basis how bad the local media really is.  If you open any of the news sites today then you will see 2 major themes.  Gay rights exhibits and YES, COVID.  Nothing about the shitty schools, corrupt mayor, violence, inflation, affordable housing, Afghanistan, immigration, or any o the other issues that we face daily.  We get two stories straight out of the white-elitist playbook. Two stories that protect those overseeing the decline of our society due to their ability to distract and divide.  

In 2021 who is against Gay rights?  Shit, who was against gay rights 10 years ago?  I would be willing to bet that the number is below 15%.  

And Covid?  How many fucking stories do we need about Covid?  It is like these idiots replaced 24/7 coverage of Trump with 24/7 coverage of Covid.  Maybe they all just simply lack the talent to take on other stories.  Or maybe the editors and producers of these outlets simply start each day by saying "let's cover Covid from 1000 angles" this week.  Or maybe they just don't give a shit about those other topics.  

There was a time in this city when people actually gave a crap about people getting popped every day, not being able to read, afford homes (despite working), soldiers getting slaughtered for no reason, the price of gas, price of food, price of electricity if there were enough officers on the streets to answer 911 calls if the roads and bridges were safe to drive on, etc... 

Or maybe it isn't just the media, maybe the residents of the metro don't give a shit about those topics either. If that is the case, then the city has bigger problems than we could even begin to realize.  Maybe the metro is getting the type of media coverage it deserves.

E-40 - Captain Save A Hoe (life lessons)

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Texas Abortion - AND GO

 Normally, I don't discuss abortion on this site.  My personal stances are just that, personal.  BUT this whole Texas Abortion Bill has both sides looking like complete idiots. This always happens when people, governments, courts, etc.. start interfering with personal liberties  It took me about 2 minutes to see the hypocrisy from both sides.  Let's take a journey into the minds of self-righteous idiots from the left and the right.  


You see, for decades it was always the argument of those in favor of abortion that it was THEIR BODY, THEIR CHOICE.  Yet they throw that argument away when it comes to getting a Covid Vaccine.  Then suddenly the CDC, the government, courts, and everyone that is vaccinated are entitled to demanding that you inject something into your body.  They are willing to have employers, schools, law enforcement, and entertainment venues restrict your access to "life" if you do not allow them to dictate to you how to treat your body.

They say it is for the safety of other lives besides those of the person refusing to get the shot.  That by not getting the Fauci Ouchi that they would-be murderers...


You see for decades it was always the argument of those against abortion that it was murder if they got an abortion.  That they should have a say in how a woman treats her body in order to protect the life of the baby. Who is simply sitting there chilling in the womb minding its own business and due to someone's decision, they are killed.  They have passed laws etc... to limit the control a woman has over their body.  

Then enter COVID shots and all of a sudden they start stating that nobody should have any say over their body.


Another Sad Day - Omar dead


As many of you that have read this blog then you have noticed the consistent Omar Little quotes from The Wire.  Yesterday, he was found dead in NYC from an overdose.  Fentanyl made in China and transported across the southern border thanks to Biden's awesome national security tactics took this man too soon from us.  Indeed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Worst Speech in Presidential History

 Ohhhhhhhhhhh where to start with the shit show that we just watched. This is off the cuff without me even processing the loads of bullshit we just heard.

1.  He yelled at us the whole time.  Yes, yelled at American citizens for his fuck up

2.  He kept talking about leaving Afg. NOBODY IS SAYING THAT WE SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT.  It is the way you left!!!!!!!!

3.  He blamed Trump.  Trump initiated the process that Joe said he was in favor of, LEAVING AFG.  It is once again HOW he left and the lies he has told over 6 months.

4.  He said that everyone in INTEL and DOD was in favor of this plan.  BULLSHIT

5.  He brought up the death of his son AGAIN, trying to compare his cancer death to the death of MARINES that he put into a F'D up mission.  I served, I have cancer, that doesn't mean that if I die tomorrow it would be considered on par with a combat death?  Hell No.

6.  He shit on those left behind.  It is not ok that 10% of the people that wanted to leave could not.  

7.  Everything he said is contradicted by reports coming out of AFG on all networks.  

8.  He is trying to take credit for poorly cleaning up his own mess. WOW, we evacuated 100,000 noncitizens.  This is like the Captain of the Titanic taking credit for the greatest water rescue in history.

9.  He said that we do not forgive or forget.  WELL, unless you are the Taliban and it has been 20 years.  HOW do people forget what happened on Sept 11th and who was responsible???  I do not give a shit if you call the Al Queda, ISIS, Taliban, ISISK, Smurfs, Transformers, etc..  It is all branding.  It is the same folks under a new logo, catchphrase but with the same mission statement and product.  

10.  Dude is an absent-minded lying corrupt man that has forever destroyed American credibility throughout the world.  You voted for him, ENJOY, because if shit goes down again, do not expect others to sign up to serve up under this assclown.  

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company

Idiots are dying

You do not have to be as brilliant as I am to have seen the two stories coming that I am linking below.  The fact that these idiots were the most vocal of the anti-vaxxers out there is what makes this news.  

1.  Florida Radio dude who was known as Mr. Anti-Vaxx, died from...... umm Covid

2.   Texas 30-year-old leader of the Anti-Vaxx movement died from....umm Covid

As I have said, every American should make their own decisions on getting a shot or not.  So these 2 overly vocal men have now dealt with the consequences of their decision.  So do yourself a favor and if you haven't been jabbed, get jabbed.  You are not proving a point by not getting it.  You are not a hero or brave.  Will their tombstones forever read "he was so brave for not getting the vaccination"?  No.

You are not a soldier fighting for freedom against an enemy that wants to see us dead.  You are a dude that was probably for the shot but changed his mind once Biden won.  People need to learn when to take a stand and more importantly, what issues are worth dying for. Covid shots, not worth dying for.  

I do not care how many of you idiots email me wishing I would change my stance or stop reading because I support people getting shots.  I can think of a million other things worth dying for and almost as many other ways I rather die than drowning in a pool of my own snot with tubes shoved down my throat.  Trust me, I have faced death multiple times in many different formats and am still in one of those battles.  If someone came to you and said, here take this shot and the chances of you dying from cancer if you ever have it will be greatly diminished, you will of course get the shot.  Right?????????

Thursday, August 26, 2021

No words

 I am sick to my stomach over the loss of 12 Marines, a Navy Corpsman, the death of families that
helped us, and those that are going to be left behind by our country.  

You woke fucks voted for this piece of shit of a President that as VP was 

  • Against going in and killing Bin Laden
  • Last pullout of Afg that resulted in us needing a troop surge
  • Benghazi
The blood is on your hands for voting in a senile old man because you thought that the Orange man was mean.  

Let's see who Biden has let down in just 8 months

  • Cubans
  • Haitians
  • People living in border towns
  • People crossing into our country illegally
  • Inner cities where people are getting slaughtered nightly
  • His Covid lies
But hey, you don't have your Twitter feed full of mean stuff from the Orange guy so I guess it was worth it to you.

Monday, August 23, 2021

KC Covid Coverage sill doesn't "get it" - Time for a Covid Vac Tax Credit

 “I’ve heard from a number of people that said they are very willing to get the vaccine as soon as FDA approval comes through. And that’s fantastic and I hope that’s true,”

That quote is from a story written in the Star regarding the FDA approving the Pfizer vaccination. 

And yes I am fully vaccinated, it wasn't even a debate to me.  Shot in the arm to not die = no brainer.  When I went into the Marine Corps, I received 15+ vaccinations that I had no idea about within a 90-day window.  I lived, kinda.  

Now ask yourself this, have you heard a single person say this?  Yeah, me neither.  We have come to a crossroads in vaccinations in this country and it is time for us all to plan accordingly.  There are those folks out there that for whatever reason they claim will never get the Fauci Ouchi.  Especially now that they are coming out and saying that we need a 3rd shot and probably a 4th one after that.  Especially now that we all know people that are getting Covid, we all have to wear masks, etc.. even if you get the shot. 

Freedom was the main motivator for most people to get the vaccination.  When you take away the "perk" of living life as normally as possible once you get the shot then you are eliminating that motivator.  When you tell people that they are more likely to survive Covid with a shot, those same people do not think they will get Covid regardless and do not regard that as motivation.  

The CDC needs to show us REAL numbers for the following broken down between general population and vaccinated

  • What percentage of Americans get seriously ill from Covid?
  • What percentage of Americans die once they get Covid?
  • How much of an increase in protection does someone gain that has recovered from Covid (has antibodies) 
  • How much protection do masks give to people that are vaccinated?
  • What percentage of school kids die from Covid?
  • How many people end up on ventilators that catch Covid?
  • When you subtract overweight and elderly from the equation, what is the mortality rate for Covid?
These questions should be readily available at all medical facilities, social media platforms, and local/federal government websites.  BUT IT ISN'T!  Why is this? Why is doing taxes easier than getting basic standardized Covid info that is backed by research, stats, and clearly written for those with a 5th-grade education or better?

This lack of standardized info should alarm everyone.  Until this happens, the unvaccinated will not comply, and the more you make them villains, the stronger the stance they will take.  It is like a moronic badge of honor for them and they celebrate their stance.  Soooooooooooo

It is time for this country to move on and accept the fact that unless you are old, fat, and unhealthy you will not die from Covid and yes you will probably catch it.  So get your freaking shots and survive Covid.  Otherwise, it might be time to discuss a Covid Vaccination Tax Credit where those of us that have gotten the shot get a tax break by not using up government resources to care for those that choose to roll the dice.  Anytime the government wants us to living our lives a certain way they always hand out tax credits, this should be no different.

Friday, August 20, 2021


Gov Kelly literally said that that there are people out there using Covid to divide us...  Ummm doesn't she do that on a daily basis?  I love how she keeps trying to make this a political issue when studies have shown that unvaccinated people are split evenly between party lines.  Trying to say that if someone is against a government mandating the behavior of its citizens is the same as saying that you shouldn't get shots or wear masks is idiotic at best.  AT BEST.  In this case, it is nothing more than the power-hungry Parks and rec director trying to divide Kansans more than they already are. If you would listen to her speak then you would think that 100% of liberals in Kansas are vaccinated (they are not). 

My Covid philosophy is extremely simple to follow and depends heavily on personal freedoms granted to us in the constitution.  

1.  Get the shots - If you do not get the shots and you get sick, don't bitch and you should lose your hospital bed if someone that does get the shot (that was supposed to work right) gets sick.  

2.  Wear a mask in high infected areas - If you choose not to, so be it, deal with the outcome.  

3.  If you do not get a vaccine, don't bitch if you get sick, do not take up resources for those that did get the shots.  

If I am vaccinated, why do I give a crap if the person next to me decides to roll the dice and gets sick?  When you tell me that I can still get sick despite being vaccinated, then why the hell are we being told to get the damn shot?  It seems that they are now saying that we are at just as much risk of getting Covid with or without the shot, the only difference is if you live or die.  So, get the shot, stay alive. DUH.  If you want to risk death, by all means, do it.  It is no different than any other of the 1000 life decisions that you make on a daily basis that could result in if you live or die or harm people around you.  

I get it, there are many of you that your Covid stance has become your entire identity.  You see it daily on social media from both sides.  

You have liberal twits thinking that every Republican is against the vaccine, yet they were all stating that they would never get the shot because it was a Trump shot. Biden gets elected and suddenly the shot is safe to them, makes perfect umm sense.  They spend all day on social media spewing hate and feel like they are part of some movement or something for the first time in their pathetic little lives.  Most of these people are cowards that never spoke up before Covid about well, anything.  They desperately need to keep Covid in their lives or else they will lose a part of their new identity.  Also, if you have been a vaccine skeptic in the past and are now suddenly a pro-vaccine person yelling at people not wanting to get shots., you are the biggest loser in all groups. Also, look into your own party and make sure that they are vaccinated before you start saying that it is all a one-party issue, You might actually learn something and come across as a level-headed human for the first time in your life.  

Then you have the group that believes that microchips are in the virus etc...  These same people make these idiotic posts from their smartphones that actually do track you.  These cowards are afraid to get a needle stuck into their arms, yet discuss revolution?  WAKE UP.  75% of the population now has shots and guess what, we aren't all dropping dead, we haven't turned into zombies and we haven't had listening devices implanted into our bodies.  AND EVEN IF we had microchips implanted in us, what do you have going on in your life that you need to worry about if someone overhears a conversation that you have? If you are worried that your buddies might think you are a sellout for getting a shot don't worry, that buddy probably won't be alive long enough to give you crap.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Afghanistan - Keep the eye on the ball

 Do not fall for this administration's attempt to turn this into whether we should have stayed in
Afghanistan.  Noooooooooooooooooooooo.  This is about the complete bumbling and terrible planning and execution of our exit.  The way that the administration left our allies to die, be raped, tortured and have all of their rights taken from them SHOULD BE the only topic for discussion right now. 

How can you be someone that cares about the rights of women, yet allow the Taliban to take complete control of the country?  Most of these girls grew up without the Taliban in their lives and will now be turned into sex slaves, especially those girls whose families helped Americans.   And if they refuse?  Shot dead in the streets after being raped.  Good Job Liberals!

How is it that 2 million people can cross our border in the south, yet people that helped our soldiers are being red taped and left behind?

This is typical of the elitist class in America and not simply the exception.  Look at our track record since Korea and tell me that the elites haven't hung our warriors and friends out to dry.

1.  Vietnam

2.  Beruit

3.  Kuwait (left the Kurds to be slaughtered by Iraq)

4.  Central America - Look it up

5.  Somalia

6.  Panama

7.  Yemen

8.  Syria

9.  Iraq pt. 2

10.  Iran (three times)

11.  Ukraine

12.  Afghanistan 

The politicians, generals, media, and intelligence agencies of this country have failed us each and every time that we have sent warriors off to fight both when we are they and when we get home.  Often times in almost every situation we go into, we do more damage to the people that we are supposed to be helping than if we had just stayed home.  If you have served, then you understand the chain of command and can see the giant pile of shit rolling downhill created by people that are nowhere near the battle, have seen a battle, picked up a weapon, and are more concerned over flash polls than effective tactics.   So do not blame the enlisted men.

The left hates the military, they say "thank you for your service" but they don't give an actual shit about you or what you have been through or even if you live or die.  That is until airplanes crash into towers, government buildings, and fields.  Before nightclubs are shot up, office parks are bombed, etc..  Then they care for a year but only because it makes them afraid to go out to Whole Foods etc. but after a few months, they no longer care and again believe that the rest of the world is happy for them to live out their ultrawoke existence thinking that America and Americans are their biggest threat. What they fail to realize is that the only reason that they can safely hate their country and fellow countrymen/women are that we have 18-year-olds that sign up to defend that right, kids they later end up hating.  

This is just another example of how our country is doomed for the next 3 years.  Enjoy trying to support a bumbling old man that was simply elected because the other guy was abrasive and our country becomes less safe because of your thin skin.  

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan Loss could have been prevented several times over 20 years

 Joe Biden has single-handedly shit on the graves of over 2500 dead soldiers and pissed on the boots of those injured.  It is that simple.  For all the mistakes that were made before he was sworn in by many others ironically, including him as VP, it was his "plan " that lead to the cluster fuck that we are witnessing today.  So no matter how many excuses and passing of the blame we hear from the left just remember, whose ultimate strategy it was to exit in the way/time that we did which lead to our loss and humiliation on the global stage But let us look back at the history of this debacle, shall we?  

1.  Sept 11th happens and there wasn't an American alive that said that we shouldn't go to that country and wipe out every single Taliban and Al Queda person walking in the wasteland of a country.  

2.  We experience several key victories and wipe out tens of thousands of fighters.  

3.  George Bush thinks that we should invade Iraq to look for mystery weapons and diverts key assets that could have been used in Afg to Iraq.

4.  We wipe Sadam off the map but stay behind to build a nation.

5.  We hunt for Bin Laden all of Afghanistan only to find him in freaking Pakistan and we kill him.

6.  We stay behind in Afghanistan to build a nation.

5.  Iraq goes to hell under Bush but he sends in a troop surge to stabilize the region.

6.  Obama/Biden enter the office and put huge restrictions on the use of deadly force and neuters our warriors.  He instead uses drones to kill thousands.

7.  Obama/Biden pull troops out of Iraq and the country basically falls into the hands of Iran.

8.  While we are wasting our time in Iraq, ISIS is formed and has become one of the deadliest groups in the world.  Obama/Biden fails to stop their advances and the beheading of Westerners is shown daily on the internet.  

9.  Obama/Biden are so bad at foreign policy that they take their eye off of Afg to do nothing about ISIS except "train" Syrians to help the Kurds in fighting them.  We all know how well we "train" middle eastern fighters now don't we?

10.  Instead of saying Fuck Afg, we stay behind with depleted resources until a surge is now needed there as well.  

11.  Instead of pulling out of Afg after the surge, we once again stay behind to build a nation.  

12.  Afg is a disaster, Iraq is a nightmare and ISIS runs the middle east as Trump enters office

13.  Trump destroys ISIS

14. Instead of pulling out of Afg like he said he would, he decided to delay that action and instead listens to the Generals (who have never won a war) and leaves forces there to build a nation.  

15.  Trump finally decides that Afg is not worth anyone dying over anymore and tries to broker a withdraw of forces agreement with the Taliban which would have allowed for a clean exit for our soldiers and Afg citizens that helped us along the way.  The Taliban knows that Trump is borderline crazy so they are not looking to piss him off because MOAB's will be dropped on their brick shithole houses. 

16.  Biden comes back into office as president and is senile and is a pussy.  The Taliban sees this and once he rejects the initial deal Trump had with them, they put into works a plan to take over Afg. They know that Biden is harmless and any threats he makes will not be backed up.  

17.  Biden just last month said that he has no worries about the Taliban taking control of Afg despite what people are saying on the ground.  Said it would be months before the Taliban could make a dent.

18.  Biden is scheduled to give a news conference today, a month before the 20th anniversary of Sept 11th stating that he fucked up and Afg is lost.  

Both parties share some blame, but let us be honest here, Obama/Biden were the worst offenders with Bush being a not-so-distant 3rd due to his invasion of Iraq.  We could have had a clean victory and avoided all of this is after Bin Laden was killed, we pulled the F out of Afg.  Nation-building should NEVER be part of what the United States does.  How arrogant of a country are we to try to make little United States satellite countries in regions that don't want us and we do not understand.  MAYBE it would have worked had Bush not divided our efforts and went to war with Iraq.  Even then, WHY?  

As a Marine, I am not against war, I am against police actions etc.. When we go in, we need to destroy, win and then get the hell out.  Someone messes with us or an ally, too bad for them.  We shouldn't be spending decades rebuilding shit that we destroyed.  IT IS WAR.  War has consequences for the loser and as a country, we have forgotten that.

Now that we have lost the war in Afghanistan, what will our consequences be?  More terrorism.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"minority students who 'don't test well'" - WOKE RACIST QUOTE OF YEAR

 This story out of Oregan might be the most racist thing said by a public official this year.  You see, the
state of Oregan decided to drop most of its standards to qualify for graduation stating that MINORITY STUDENTS DON"T TEST WELL.  The people stating this racist crap are the people claiming to be Woke and support BLM.  With friends like this, who needs enemies.  

Instead of educating and holding everyone to a set of standards meant to prepare kids for their future, they punted and blamed the kids, kids of color, but not all kids of color, right?  Because at the same time that this is happening, there are efforts to limit the enrollment of Asian kids at certain schools because they are "Too Smart". 

 So what is happening is that this group of white women got together and said that Hispanic and black kids are stupid and making us look bad because of our shitty graduation rates.  Instead of addressing their crappiness as educators, they play the race card from the bottom of the deck and lower the bar so that they can remain crappy teachers.  Once again the woke left using and abusing minorities, "for their own good".

This might have happened first in Oregan but it is a nationwide movement, so stay tuned.   

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Big Government is no longer the "in" thing

Research (we must always trust research and science) has just come in stating that
people are no longer
in favor of big government(
GLOBAL research).  Citizens are fed up with the overstepping of government elites during the pandemic and it has opened the eyes to many from Denmark to the United States.  Yes, even in the socialist utopias that the democrats hope to push the US towards, they are fed up with big government.  Those of you that made the switch in 2020 to the socialist movement to fit in with your brain-dead actress hero might now have to switch back to being a normal human that enjoys personal freedom and civil liberties to seem "cool" (despite being against everything that you suddenly claim to be for).