Showing posts with label overland park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overland park. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Overland Park Police Chief wastes money

Results of Thanksgiving Enforcement Campaign 

If you look at those stats you can clearly see that the police department is being used as a revenue generator instead of a public safety organization.  How else could you justify those stats?  Out of almost 400 stops only 11 of them were worth a damn.  The Royals don't even strike out that much.

Is there no better way to allocate our resources?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be thankful Southern Johnson County

This month has been full of people on Facebook posting about how thankful they are for all the obvious crap.  Like we didn't know that you were thankful for your family etc..  Come on, nobody wants to read that crap.  

The good people of Southern Johnson County have a lot of reasons to be thankful for as a group.  Here are 17 to get you started.

1.  We aren't subsidizing 2 laughing stock pro sports teams.
2.  Our Eastside is Leawood.  Yeah I know the people in Leawood are douche bag wannabe frat guys and sorority girls BUT they don't shoot at us from the golf carts.
3.  Mobile homes are used by construction crews instead of primary housing for residents.
4.  Heritage Park > Swope Park
5.  Pools > Bacteria filled fountains
6.  It would take us over a decade to equal the number of murders that KCMO has in one year.
7.  Fairway, Merriam, Mission, Roeland Park serve as a great DMZ.
8.  "I'm Kyle James Bitch!" has never been said in our area by Kyle James.
9.  Overland Park Mayor never has to duck behind bushes at Town Center Plaza due to gunshots.
10.  We know that Toy Trains belong under the Christmas Tree not our streets.
11.  Not a single street named Cleaver (let alone 2).
12.  We don't take gondola rides on a creek filled with our feces.
13.  All of our Hipsters now live in KCMO and nowhere near us.
14.  Our hookers work out of hotels and not alleys
15.  The jackass's of Prairie Village  don't have quick highway access to our part of town.
16.  Working for food is what we do and not a sign that we hold.
17.  5.9% is our unemployment rate not our graduation rate

Friday, October 05, 2012

North Johnson County Shines

Shawnee Mission West has been an embarrassment to most of us living in this city for over 20 years now so this isn't exactly shocking (SM North is another craphole) news.  The media on the other hand are having a hard time grasping the fact that something like this could happen in Overland Park.

The 3 things that one should notice about this specific story
1.  How did a knife get inside the school
2.  The 14 year old boy was autistic
3.  The use of a tazer gun just killed someone yesterday.

More importantly 
The city has spent so much time developing Blue Valley and annexing even more properties south that they have neglected to maintain the property values of anything north of 103rd street.  This seems to be the norm in this town and all that you have to do is look at Raytown, Bannister, Shawnee, Lenexa, Gladstone etc.. to see examples of this and anyone that thinks that Overland Park is immune to this is wrong.  The shrinking attendance and demotion of Shawnee Mission South from 6a to 5a is an indicator that nobody can refute.

Sprawl kills all and the annexation policies of the city and county are going to be the downfall of our county.  Until this city decides to build up and and not out we will be screwed and if you don't act now your hood will be next.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A message to the Overland Park Police Chief

Dear Chief,
First off let me clarify this email by stating that this is not directed to the officers that risk their lives everyday for us.  This is a question of leadership not a question of the quality of officers that you have working for you.

I know that you might have one of the easiest jobs in the country and that the most vital duty you have to the city is to generate revenue BUT do you think you might be able to start patrolling neighborhoods a little more?

This past weekend our subdivision was full of prowlers cutting through backyards, roaming the streets at late hours of the night etc... It is almost like they knew that there wouldn't be a single patrol car in the area and they had free reign of the area.

What this led to was a bunch of residents running would be criminals out of their neighborhoods and tracking down fence jumpers in their vehicles.  Is this really what we have come to in South Overland Park?  Do we need to form "neighborhood watches" (cus we all know how well that worked out in Florida)?

Sure traffic tickets, pathetic DUI  checkpoints, massage parlor "stakeouts" and the crackdown of weed generate a lot more revenue and headlines for you and make it more likely that you will remain chief but could you throw us just this bone and let us sleep in piece?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

People of Overland Park Drive

Today the chief of police in Overland Park is bragging about the city's rankings in the safest to drive in list.   What he isn't telling you is that the city was ranked the lowest in the metro.

That's right, Olathe, Kck and Kcmo all finished above Overland Park (according to Allstate).  But is there an explanation to justify those numbers and make Overland Park once again superior to these 3 blighted areas of hell?  Of course there is!

When your city has high unemployment and empty businesses nobody drives!  Seriously, have you ever heard of traffic delays going into KCK during rush hour? Have you ever heard about the traffic jams caused by kids going back to school? And I won't even comment on Olathe.

So you see Overland Park it is simple

  • We take our kids to school because they actually go to school
  • We commute to work
  • We have crappy drivers that invade our city to serve us fast food
  • Our retail areas aren't blighted 
  • When our family members get old they don't end up in government nursing homes

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rosehill Elementary Victim of Neighborhood Sucktitude

Having grown up in that area and later lived in the Rosehill area I can tell you that this comes as no surprise.  The once family friendly and middle class neighborhoods that use to surround the school are gone and have been replaced with Section 8 housing and low rent hotels.  Some of the kids that show up for school there look like they haven't showered in days and most are on some sort of government meal program so of course they are carrying viruses.  Who the hell is going to take them to the Doc?  Everyone knows that people on government assistance carry diseases.  duh.   Keep in mind that this is the Richard Grissom Hood

Let's all face the facts here.  The Shawnee Mission School District's greatness is a thing of the past (check out the test scores for West and North) and you can thank local leadership for neglecting Northern Joco and instead expanding West and South. This has allowed for once nice apartment complexes to be turned into section 8 drug zones and single family houses into meth labs.  

That area is just another example of Northern Johnson County going to shit.  Once our kids were old enough to attend elementary school, we moved to Blue Valley without even giving it a second thought.  Who would want their kids hanging around unhealthy kids?  

True Jocoians know when it is time to pick up and head for bluer valleyer pastures.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


842 vehicles stopped with only 7 alcohol related arrests!  Are you freaking kidding me????  What a freaking waste of department resources and personal freedom of 835 people.

842 - Vehicles entered the Check Lane
50 - Drivers tested for DUI
2 - Drivers arrested for DUI
3 - Transporting Open Container (Alcohol)
2 - Minor in Possession (Alcohol)
1 - Other traffic violations

In the meantime the North Part of your city is turning into a drug infested crap hole.  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Overland Park Police Chief hates Motorcycles

Harrassing motorcyle riders is worth sticking your chest out if you are the Overland Park Police Chief.  

How about you focus on the drug dealers residing in our city, the property blight, the illegally parked vehicles in neighborhoods, cyclist that disrupt traffic and domestic violence instead of harassing motorist.  

The Wire - Weekend Ketchup

While the rest of the world watches the best athletes in the world, lets see how some of the best killers, pimps, vandals, robbers, kidnappers and rapist are doing. 

1.  What are the odds of that the people vandalising the Roeland Park cars were from S. Joco?  Ya know, trying to get the people in that city to become part of Wyco...
2.  Even redneck sherrifs in the middle of bum f'd Kansas are doing/distributing Meth.  
3.  You know Independence is F'd Up when the senior citizens are robbing banks.
4.  First no sleep and now no living on Brooklyn.
5.  Turns out that the only bombs that Wal Mart was responsible for were those on a baseball field in Seatle this weekend.
6.  WT from Oklahoma responsible for robbing Kansas Banks.
7.  Olathe residents aren't cooperative when it comes to going to jail
8.  Fatman robs OP Bank.  He was wearing black though so that he could look slim for the security cameras.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Wire - Weekend Ketchup

At least 10 people shot over the weekend.  Hat's off to the fine citizens of the metro for a job well done. 

1.  Only a dumb ass robs a house in broad daylight and thinks that they will live to tell about it.  This 58 year old now dead man should of known better.
2.  Holy crap!  There are actually stores inside of Metcalf South.  Cat Shelter Robbed in OP.
3.  Getting carjacked sucks.  Getting shot and then carjacked sucks even worst.  20th and Broadway
4.  Nothing good happens after midnight in KCMO, NOTHING.  Town topic 6 SHOT.
5.  East Side WT keeps kid locked up in crap room.
6.  This old guy has the worst mug shot ever.
7.  It is rare to find a resident of the East Side that has lived past the age of 50.  This is why.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How Joco residents become welfare whores

The next 4 months will be some of the most tense months of most of our lives.  Socialist are going to divide this county and piss on our constitution to hold power and ruin our country if not elected.
The term Whore is not gender specific 
Be on the lookout for 
1.  The race card
2.  Class warfare
3.  Gender warfare
4.  Religious persecution
5.  Made up statistics
6.  Blatant lies

They will blame everyone but themselves for the hell hole that this country is turning into.  Seriously, who haven't they blamed for this? George Bush, Mexico, Europe, Middle East, Oil Companies, Wars, Wall Street, Russia, China and of course my favorite "not enough time to fix it".  Notice that there isn't a single mention of Government Spending, Entitlements, Unions, Expansion of government jobs, wasted dollars spent on "going green" and a union run education system that is producing a generation of morons incapable of doing anything for themselves.

As the suck the lemming of this country into their web of dependency they increase their base.  A generation of slackers is willing to do whatever they can to keep on slacking and live off of Obama money.  In the meantime the boy king is taking away their freedoms at a record pace.  That is why people are looking the other way when they are being told what they can eat, feed their kids, say in public, how to practice their religion, what money they should keep out of their earnings and who gets to keep the rest of it.

I don't have to look beyond my own neighborhood for proof of the Obama effect.  Sure it use to be the poor that exploited the system.  When someone mentions welfare abuse etc.. they always think of minorities with 16 kids living in the projects but they are wrong.  Your new welfare family is made up with people that have figured out how to work the system so they can live in your neighborhood without having to lift a finger to contribute to society.  These are people that are able to work but refuse to forth any effort to get a job and provide for their family without the assistance of our president.

Why should they get a job? The government is there for them to feed their kids, pay for their tuition, free medical, free activity fees, reduced utilities etc.. That's right, while you are out busting your ass everyday away from your family, friends and events these slugs of earth are living up the good life all on your dime.  While you scrimp and save so that you can afford birthday gifts, eat out  for dinner once a week and maybe do a family activity once a month these folks are eating out 6 times a week, going to movies all the time, buying expensive gifts for each other, taking vacations and enjoying the good life.  The life you wish you had and the life you work hard to achieve.

If they do make some cash they of course hide it from the government so that they don't have to pay taxes on it or risk losing their awesome entitlements.

They do this with no guilt or remorse at all.  They do this right in front of your face.  They do this because they know that there are no consequences and well, because under this administration they can.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

AMC 20 Disgusting in Overland Park

So my wife, 2 daughters and my sister all went to see Madagascar at the movies this afternoon at AMC 20.  They just told me that the theater they were in had mice all over the place and totally ruined there experience. I have never heard of mice in a freaking theater and can only imagine how disgusting this means that the rest of the building is.  

Kinda makes you think twice about "Forks and Screens".....

Friday, June 01, 2012

Blue Valley vs. Overland Park

For the past 3 years I have been lobbying to get the Blue Valley region of Overland Park to succeed from the union.  Those outside of the area can't see the difference and think that my idea has no merit, I get it, most of them would die to have what Overland Park has and can't imagine doing better (this gives Blue Valley residents a nice cushion from Missouri transplants looking to better themselves by moving to Kansas).  

Here are just a few examples of the many differences that separate our 2 communities. 

1 Overland Park Resident- Sams Club vs. Blue Valley - Costco
2. Overland Park Residents - Hy-Vee vs. Blue Valley - Hen House
3.  Overland Park Residents -  Aldi vs. Blue Valley - Trader Joes
4.  Overland Park Residents- Price Chopper Card vs. Blue Valley - Gold Card
5.  Overland Park - Shawnee Mission (once great schools) vs. Blue Valley - BVSD (great schools)
6.  Overland Park - Government Housing in apartments vs. Blue Valley - Amli Apartments
7.  Overland Park - 69 Highway (trashy name) vs. Blue Valley - Blue Valley Parkway
8.  Overland Park - Metcalf South vs. Blue Valley - 5 brand new shopping areas
9.  Overland Park - Blighted strip malls vs. Blue Valley - Town Center
10.  Overland Park - Close to Wyco vs. Blue Valley - Close to Stillwell
11.  Overland Park - Payday Loan business's everywhere vs.  Blue Valley - 2 Cash for Gold Stores
12.  Overland Park - Restaurant's closing and left empty vs. Blue Valley - New Restaurants every month.
13.  Overland Park - Soccer Goals set up in farm fields vs. Blue Valley - World Class soccer complex.
14.  Overland Park - Antioch Park vs. Blue Valley - Deanna Rose
15.  Overland Park - Old buildings made into community centers vs. Blue Valley - Community Centers rival gyms that cost a ton to join monthly.
16.  Overland Park - Personal Property blight on the rise vs. Blue Valley - Strong home owners associations that prevent blight.
17.  Overland Park - Full of old people that can't drive vs. Blue Valley - Full of kids driving BMW's that can't drive (ok, both options suck there).

I will stop here because I could keep going for quite awhile and I think my point has been proven.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Grand Jury for a statue?????? Screw You

This uptight Puritan needs to get over herself and her insecurities instead of wasting valuable time, resources and tax dollars on a freaking topless statue.  IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T LOOK.  

Why is that so difficult? Why does Joanne Hughes think that she knows what is best for all of us? People like this are dangerous. They thrive off of preaching and taking away our personal freedoms in order to conform with what think is "normal". If she gets her way on this issue what is next?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Metro should thank us all

Forbes just released its Top 25 places to retire and of course our city made yet another best of list.   

While KCMO(murder), KCK(murder) and their surrounding suburbs(murder) continue to make headlines for murder, muck and misery, it is good to see at least one area keeping the metro afloat. 

Monday, August 01, 2011


So let me get this straight.  The state of Kansas and city of Overland Park are giving out sweetheart deals to companies on the Mo side to come over to Kansas so that the tax base will increase.  BUT now, the city of Overland Park is wanting to increase our taxes to pay for these deals.  Why bother?  

I would rather keep our taxes low and only increase them for schools, parks and protection than to increase them for another 4 story office building with a large parking lot.  OR how about you give kick backs to companies/developers to rebuild the blighted parts of JOCO.  Like ummm Metcalf South, all of 75th street, the mistake in Mission etc...  

If you want to come to Overland Park and open a business in an nice community great.  If you need money to make it "worth it" then take your business down to prospect where the tax incentives are incredible. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"High tech companies, more jobs, an educated and talented work force"

Why is it that whenever a politician is asked about creating jobs they all say the same freaking thing.  It is almost as annoying as athletes thanking god for their ability to catch a football (because we all know that god cares more about the NFL than famine). 

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Despite the cold temperatures, Chiefs game, warning from the Mayor and the Aflockalypse the city's best and brightest continued on with their murdering ways.  This goes to show you the production level that an unionized workforce can provide.

1.  BP spills blood up in the Northland with the help of some fine citizens.
2.  The only time we ever hear of a street in KCK is when somebody gets shot.  May Lane gets 2.
3.  North OP crime continues to rise.  Jimmy Johns Robbery
4.  Gladstone Bank Robbed and nobody cares.
5.  Assault weapons are the alarm clock of choice in the East Side